【禁闻】李娜单飞夺冠 没有立刻“感谢党”











《中国青年报》报导,2002年至2004年期间,李娜曾退出国家队。 2004年的雅典奥运会,李娜也没有参加。在08年北京奥运会后,中国女网“单飞”政策正式实施,李娜摆脱了体制束缚,从此如鱼得水,个人排名一路攀升。








Li Na Doesn’t Thank the Party

29-year-old Li Na won Women’s tennis final
in French Open, attracting much media attention.
While Chinese media calls her an entrepreneur,
Li didn’t thank the Party, but said this was the day
that all her dreams came true. China’s state-run
sports system is receiving international attention.

On June 4, Li Na beat the defending champion,
Francesca Schiavone, with 6-4 and 7-6,
becoming the first Asian tennis player to win
the Grand Slam in a professional tournament.

AP, AFP, New York Times
and other world media reported on Li’s success.
CNN had the news on their front page.

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) estimated
that in China, 166 million watched the game.

Chinese officials are excited about Li’s success,
and state-run media are praising Li.

Central Chinese TV (CCTV) ran a 3-minute report
on Li. People’s Daily ran a front-page article on Li.
Xinhua said this is the best PR for China.
Chinese politburo member Liu Yandong
congratulated Li on behalf of the Sports Bureau.

Netizens note Li Na’s reaction. She didn’t thank
the Party, but thanked the sponsors, organizers,
the ball kids, and her team. When people said
“this is a victory for China,” Li admitted
that she could not bear the burden, claiming
this was simply the day her dream came true.

Zhou Yang, gold medalist in Winter Olympics,
got into trouble for thanking her parents only,
without thanking the country.

Different from many players, Li used to criticize
China’s sports system after a decade of struggle.
Li opposed the state taking players’ award money.
Li’s success stirs discussion on the sport’s system.

Liu Feiyue from Livelihood Watch website:
“To gain glory for the country is to serve
the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The system takes players when they are children,
and makes them study nothing but sports.
This is damaging. Li Na came out of China’s
state-run sports system, having trouble with it,
with its training. This is a blow to the authorities.”

China Youth reported that Li left the state sports
in 2004, and didn’t attend the Athens Olympics.
After the 2008 Olympics, China allowed players
to “fly solo” and Li took off quickly,
improving her records, like fish in a water.

Zhou Shuguang, a Chinese reporter:
“Many players left China’s sports system.
Li Na manages her own career and won the title
with the effort of her own team. The commercial
operation gives Li more space and we can see
the limits of China’s sports system now.”

Apple Daily commented that Li Na’s glory comes
from the sports’ popularity and her charisma.
It also helps that Li left the state-controlled system
and political intrigue; its meaningless to politicize
her actions. It is becoming common for players
to refuse the “Party love” after winning medals.

At the Doha Asian Games in 2006, Sun Jifang
from China’s Sports Bureau criticized Li Na
for “seeking only awards, not responsibilities”
and having “low mentality and poor quality.”
Today, facing Li’s glory, Sun Jifang attended
Li’s celebration dinner in France.

Apple Daily said Sun Jifang cried at Li’s success.
Bloggers asked why Sun was behaving different
now, did she forget what she said 5-6 years ago?

Sports commentator Li Chengpeng said
China’s sports system is reaching its end.

Netizens ask if Li’s success has urged
the Chinese regime to change its sports system?

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin ,Wang Qi and Wang Mingyu
