【禁闻】红色魔影笼罩中国 毛主义卷土重来















Maoists Try To Return

On June 1, Wall Street Journal (WSJ) of Asia
published a commentary titled “Red Specter
Envelops China: With the Setback of Economic
and Political Reforms, the Maoists returns."
The article pointed out the background and cause
of the return of Maoists and the total despair
of Chinese people toward this old trick.

The article said, “Despite the massive police action
in Inner Mongolia and its capital Hohhot,
protests continue, similar to the 2008 Tibetan
and 2009 Xingjiang riots. The riots are not limited
to the ethnic minority.” A sociologist at Tsinghua
University estimated that 180,000 large-scale
protests occurred just last year.

The article pointed out: “High level officials agreed
that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and the ‘masses’ have parted ways, but there is no
clear consensus as to how to deal with the problem.
The current leaders strongly depend on two sets
of old tricks: repression and propaganda.
This may explain why the new Maoists
are becoming fashionable again in China.”

Hu Xingdou (Economics Professor at Beijings’
Institute of Technology): “China’s current social idea
faces the issue of how to elevate Mao as a symbol.
Workers, farmers and petitioners are expressing
true dissatisfaction with Mao. Current leaders
must stay away from Mao’s regime.”

The commentary added: “Leftist thinkers really try
to push the CCP toward the Marxist ideology.
A Maoist website recently posted photos
of famous people, who promoted reform,
with a noose around their necks.”

On May 29, more than 30 Maoists in Shanxi
held a General Assembly, denouncing well-known
economist Mao Yushi and the CCP history scholar
Ling Xinzi, labeling them both as “traitors.”

After reading Xin Ziling’s “The Fall of the Red Sun”
Mao Yushi published his book review on April 27,
which lists all the wrongdoings of Mao, including
the death of over 80 million people from various
political campaigns. Mao Yushi pointed out
that Mao Zedong thought of people as being
nothing more than just a piece of meat.

On May 23, leftist website Utopia published
“Beijing People’s Indictment” of Mao Yushi
and Xin Ziling for subversion, accompanied
by thousands of signatures including Mao’s relatives
and the “Left King” Sima Nan.

The commentary also said: “Secretary of Chongqing
Bo Xilai, promoted “Sing Red Songs
and Fight Corruption” and sent cadres and students
to the fields and factories. In addition to singing
revolutionary songs publicly, one can also use
cell phones to send Mao’ quotes to local residents.”

Wu Fan, China Affairs’ editor-in-chief: “This group
of people wants to solve China’s problems
with Mao’s method or ideas. How can China’s
current politics, economy, culture, ideology,
moral degradation, environmental pollution
be solved this way? It is impossible.
They are deceiving themselves and others.”

The WSJ commentary also said: “These Maoist
remarks are disturbing, because they obviously
received approval and protection from a higher-level.
Wu Bangguo, ranked no. 2 in CCP, spoke recently
and attacked private ownership. In April, Xi Jinping,
candidate for the next leadership, spoke to graduates
of the Central Party School and required them
to use Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong ideas
to solve China’s current problems.

Lin Heli, Hong Kong Current Affairs commentator:
“Everyone knows that China is pursuing a special
state capitalism. However, CCP has positioned itself
as a Marxist-Leninist party, so they hang this sign
as a weapon to fight against the opposition force.”

The WSJ commentary pointed out: “Splitting from
the inside may disrupt the plan of power transferring
next year. CCP is drifting, it may have confrontation
with the masses at any time. Economic and political
reforms may collapse and people in China are feeling
more and more hopeless with the CCP.”

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping
