【禁闻】内蒙血案激众怒 千人与武警对峙












这两起恶性事件引来当地抗议浪潮不断。据知情人士向《新唐人》透露,5月24号,内蒙古锡林浩特市 “市蒙中”“锡蒙中”“职业中学’等学校的2000多名学生,去市政府进行示威。知情者说,学生们为了自己民族的屈辱而感到痛苦和激愤,不顾学校的强力封锁冲出学校。






Outrage at Inner Mongolia Murder

Pastures in Xiwuqi, Inner Mongolia were damaged
in recent years, due to coal mining.
Conflicts escalate daily with the herders
and the government. Recently, Mu Rigen,
an Inner Mongolian human rights activist,
was intentionally hit and killed by a truck.
This enraged the public and 1000 residents
took to the streets in a protest.
2000 students from Xilinhot broke through blockades
to demonstrate on the streets as well.

According to insiders, from the night of May 22,
many people came to protest
near the city government in Xiwuqi, Inner Mongolia.
On May 23 and 24, approximately 1000 people
gathered and were in confrontation with armed police.
Many people were arrested.

The protest arises from a local murder case.
Lately, dozens of coal-transporting trucks
are driving across the pastures of the herders,
destroying them. Mo Rigen, a 35-year-old herder,
appealed to the government many times but was ignored.
He gathered over 30 people to try
and stop these gigantic trucks.

In the early hours of May 11, a truck intentionally
hit Mo Rigen and drove over his body and head.
Mo Rigen died at the scene.
Although the driver was later arrested and charged,
herders’ anger could not be so easily appeased.

“Chinese Alliance Against Political Oppression”’s
CEO, Liu Yinquan says that although China grants
autonomy to areas with large ethnic populations,
they are still part of the political party system.
The local party head has to be of a Han ethnicity.

Liu Yinquan: “In China minority ethnicities’ rights
are even less protected. Chinese Communist Party
CCP) is one-party authoritarian in nature.
It already engages in cruel persecution
and oppression of the majority of Han populace.
It tyrannizes minority ethnicities even more!”

Local herders believe that Mo Rigen’s death
was a murder. After the news came out on the net,
some called Mo Rigen another “Qian Yunhui.”

Liu Yinquan: “I think the Inner Mongolia incident
is similar to the Qian Yunhui incident.
It also shows the gang-involvement of the CCP!
CCP’s corruption and gang-involvement has caused
another tragedy! I believe if this continues
it will greatly undermine CCP’s political power
and change CCP’s policy of oppressing ethnicities.”

In December 2010, human rights activist
Qian Yunhui was hit and killed by a truck.
He represented farmers many years in their appeals
against the government seizing their land
to build a power plant. Authorities insist however,
that Qian was not murdered but died in an accident.

An insider told Deutsche Welle that to calm people,
the Xiwuqi Government tried to pacify the family
of Mo Rigen’s by giving them RMB600,000
and a 55 square meter condo. But his family said,
“There must be law; there must be dignity.”
They asked the local government to give affirmation
to the acts of Mo Rigen to protect the pastures,
and to host a memorial, but received no response.

Only a few days after Mo Rigen’s murder,
there was an incident in the same locality
in which a coal mine owner called on miners
to brutally beat local protesters
leaving one dead and seven injured.

These events incited continuous local protests.
An insider told NTD on May 24, that 2000 students
from three local high schools went to demonstrate
outside the local government. He said that students
were angered by the humiliation of their ethnicity
and disregarded the school’s attempts
to prevent them from leaving the school.

The protesting students stipulated terms for CCP,
including resolving Mo Rigen’s murder case
and the violent “beating-to-death” incident
by coal miners. They demanded that CCP respect
“the rights and interests of the herding people.”

The students also urged more ordinary people
to show understanding towards the current events
and protect their ethnicity’s rights and interests.

Insiders say that they are planning bigger protests
in the city of Hohhot on May 30.

Xibuqi is located in the famous Chu Min Qin plains
of Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
Their economy has always been primarily based
on herding. Recently the government has engaged
in aggressive coal mining, damaging the plains.

NTD reporters Chang Chun ,Li Qian and Li Anan
