【禁闻】不信任中共 “全球基金”冻结援款

【新唐人2011年5月24日讯】国际金融机构“抗击艾滋病、肺结核与疟疾全球基金”(Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria),已冻结支付总额数亿美元的补助款给中国。因为中共政府在管理所得补助款方面引发争议,而且对不受它直接管辖的草根维权组织保有敌意。








在此之前,美国《外交政策》杂志19号发表一篇题为《中国的援助诡计》(China’s Aids Scam)文章,文章质疑中共在耗巨资举办北京奥运,和上海世博会的同时,向“全球基金”申请巨额援助,使世界上最贫穷的国家无法得到应有的援助份额。

据了解,这篇文章的作者杰克.周(Jack C. Chow)曾经在2001年至2003年期间,担任美国抗击全球艾滋病大使,是“全球基金”于2002年成立时美国的主要谈判代表。


Global Fund Freezes Grant to CCP

The humanitarian organization,
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria,
has frozen a grant fund worth hundreds of millions of
dollars to China. The reason for the freeze is that
the organization is not comfortable with the way
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is managing
the funds, and its hostile attitude towards
non-government organizations (NGOs).

Several weeks ago, Global Fund froze
hundreds of millions of dollars in grant funds,
earmarked to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and
Malaria in China.

On May 20, the New York Times reported that
last November, Global Fund decided to stop
funding the war against AIDS in China.
This freeze was the result of Global Fund’s concern
for the way the CCP was managing the grant funds.

The report said that, according a Global Fund’s
audit of the CCP’s grant management team,
by the end of last year, the CCP earmarked
only 11 percent of the total grant money of
$283 million dollars to grassroots NGOs
fighting AIDS, instead of the agreed upon 35 percent.

The CCP always marginalizes any grass roots
NGOs, which are not directly under its control..
Wan Yanhai, China’s famous AIDS activist
residing in the United States, said,
“During the seven years following the Global Fund’s
presence in China, the CCP authorities,
in the beginning, simply refused, to give money
to NGOs. They later changed their strategy to
buying off NGOs, saying, “If you obey us,
you’ll get the money; if not, then forget about it!"

According to the New York Times, Chang Kun,
the head of an AIDS rights organization in
Xinjiang Province, said that their organization
received only 3,000 dollars in 2005, which was
later confiscated when the CCP authorities dissolved
their organization. He said that over half of the funds
from Global Fund lined the pockets
of government officials and state-run “NGOs.”

Also, Shen Zhiqi, the head of an AIDS support
organization in Hebei Province, expressed his
support for Global Fund’s decision to freeze the funds,
saying that he didn’t want to see foreign grant
monies fall into China’s black holes of corruption.

Since 2003, China has received $539 million dollars
from Global Fund, and there is an additional
$295 millions dollars waiting to be committed.
China is the fourth largest AIDS assisted country
after Ethiopia, India, and Tanzania. But so far,
China has only donated 16 million dollars to
Global Fund compared to the U.S.’s
55 million dollars and France’s 25 million dollars.

On May 19, the U.S. Foreign Policy Magazine
published the article, “China’s Aids Scam,”
which questioned the CCP’s allocation of large sums
of money from Global Fund during the expensive
Beijing Olympic and Shanghai World Expo,
which left fewer dollars available to
the world’s poorest countries.

The author of this article, Jack C. Chow, served as
U.S. ambassador on global HIV/AIDS from 2001
to 2003 and was the lead U.S. negotiator
of Global Fund in 2002,when it was founded.

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Bo Ni
