【禁闻】“五道杠”招众骂 少工委欲降温











5 月12号,英国《BBC》中文网刊发湖南网友高亚洲的文章“孩子到底需不需要那一杠”,文章质疑,既然不准插入五道杠,又何需在孩子们的世界里插入一道杠、两道杠、三道杠呢?








The “Five-Stripe Youth” Dilemma

Recently, the “five-stripe” badge worn by Huang Yibo,
the deputy chief of Wuhan’s Young Pioneers,
have sparked heated public and media debates.
Foreign media commented that Huang has become
“a star of Chinese Communism",
while he is widely criticized by the Chinese netizens.
Communist party’s (CCP) youth work authorities,
the National Youth Work Committee, finally ordered
the Young Pioneers to not “add stripes" at will.

As per Chinese media reports, Huang started
watching state-produced news at the age of 2 and
reading CCP’s official People’s Daily at age 7.
As the deputy chief of Wuhan’s Young Pineers,
Huang is called “five-stripe youth” for his badge.

Young Pioneers is an affiliate and reserve echelon
of the CCP, which directly controls and educates it.
Nearly all CCP official were previous members of
Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League.

Southern Weekend magazine revealed in an article,
Huang’s father, Huang Hongzhang, is deputy director
of propaganda at a provincial agency in Hubei.
His mother works in the Chinese military system.

Huang Hongzhang edited and published a book
“Record of Sunshine Boy Huang Yibo’s Growth".
The book contains a collection of awards Huang got,
media reports on him and his photos with officials.
A set of photographs show that after getting “5 stripes”,
Huang was doing research and reading documents.

These photos soon became popular online.
Huang’s bureaucrat posture and slogan-style articles
immediately attracted ridicule from netizens.
The Wall Street Journal called him
“Chinese political prodigy with five stripes.”

UK’s newspaper Independent described Huang as
“Star of Chinese Communism" and his photos are
not different from CCP politicians’ propaganda photos.
In one photo, resembling a CCP official,
he bent over to hold the hand of a bedridden woman.

As the “five stripes” continue to attract attention,
on May 11, National Youth Work Committee finally
issued a notice forbidding unauthorized extra stripes.

Under current provisions, according to their ranks,
Young Pioneer officials can have maximum 3 stripes.

Will the “five stripes" incident end with this notice?

On May 12, BBC Chinese published an article by
Hunan-based netizen Gao Yazhou, who asked,
do children really need the stripes?

Gao pointed out that the stripe system represents
hierarchies in the real world.
As long as the stripes still exist, forbidding “5 stripes”
is as ridiculous as pot calling the kettle black.

A netizen commented that the twisted education
has made a bureaucratic model in primary school.
Eliminating the five stripes will not eliminate
the reality of CCP’s enslavement of Chinese people.

A netizen commented: Having no belief is
better than believing in communism.

U.S.-based senior political commentator Dr. Jason
believes that many people have been promoting
“de-Communization" movement, which has made
a tremendous impact on the Chinese society.

Dr. Jason: Netizens aren’t crowd watching “5 stripes”.
It is like an online parade to marginalize CCP.

As per Epoch Times’ data, since the end of 2004,
after the publication of the “Nine Commentaries,"
94 million people have quit the CCP and its affiliated
organizations, including the Young Pioneers.
The CCP’s disintegration is the trend of the times.

NTD reporters Li Qian and Zhou Ping
