【禁闻】末日慌乱? 中共狂抓




《美联社》的报导表示,这些幕后搞手发表声明,说 “艾未未没有参与茉莉花革命”。










CCP’s Finale Madness

With the flame of Jasmine Revolution still burning
in the Middle East and North Africa,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began arresting
pro-democracy movement suspects in China.
A young man, Qiang Wei was sent to labor camp
reeducation for taking pictures of a Jasmine rally.
During the Cheng Ming Festival, CCP arrested
700 petitioners who went to Babaoshan.
Media reports said: The communist China would
“rather arrest wrong people than miss one suspect."
CCP’s madness highlights its fear toward its end.

In the past two months, the CCP monitored,
house-arrested and arrested many suspected
pro-democracy activists. However, according to
Associated Press, China’s Jasmine Revolution was
launched at home and abroad by highly educated
young people. There are about 20 people behind
the scene in France, Japan, Canada and South Korea.
They met online and only know their online names.

China Human Rights Watch Chairman,
Qing Yongmin said: “The external factors
are conditions of transformation;
the internal factors are the basis of change.
The fundamental reason of issues in China lies
in the Chinese society and people’s life,
not because of what happens in other countries."

Associated Press reported that those who behind
the scene claimed that Ai Weiwei
did not involved with the Jasmine Movement.

Overseas Human Rights activist Wang Jintao told
Radio Free Asia that he has met with those
young people and provided them with his insights.
He said CCP’s suppression in the past 7 weeks
did not hit the initiators of the Jasmine Movement.
CCP’s targeted objects were all wrong.

China’s human rights activist Zhang Jianzhong
also told NTD Television: “It is not important
who initiated it. If they didn’t others would have.
This is the wheel of history…With sharp
social conflicts, legal system retrogression,
people being arrested at will and missing at any time,
China now is even worse and more dangerous than
the Cultural Revolution period. If no control is put
in place to stop this, people will certainly resist."

During the first wave of Jasmine ralies in China
21-year old Qiang Wei of Shanxi was arrested
when taking pictures at Wangfujing. Recently
he was sentenced to two years labor reeducation.

Mainland China citizen journalist Zhou Shuguang:
“Young people born in the 80’s 90’s have different
ways of thinking due to the internet. It is difficult
for them to identify with some of CCP’s practices.
For them, there is no sense of national identity."

In addition, it is reported that nearly 700 Shanghai
petitioners went to the Babaoshan Collective Grave
in Beijing during the Ching Ming Festival.
The incident was labeled by the Chinese authorities
as the “4.05 Incident." Petitioners holding flowers
were arrested by police hiding in Baobaoshan.

Petitioner Mr. Chen said that they went
to Babaoshan to check how luxurious the tomb
of corrupt official Deng Xiaoping is.
They held flowers in their hands. Does the CCP have
a fear of flowers, to arrest anyone carrying them?

Petitioner Gu Yonghong told The Epoch Times:
“The police told them, ‘CCP martyrs do not need
you to pay your respect. It is crime for petitioners
to pay respect to revolutionary martyrs’ grave!'"

The so-called “4.05 Incident"
highlights CCP’s madness, where they would
“rather arrest wrong people than miss one suspect."

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Wu Wei and Wang Mingyu.
