【禁闻】大陆师道变味 “好学生”向钱看













“RMB40 million at 40”

A professor from Beijing Normal University (BNU),
wrote on microblog, that well-educated people’s
poverty is a shame and failure. His article
caused public anger immediately on microblog.
Here is more information.

Dong Fan, a professor from BNU, wrote to students
on microblog on April 4: “If you don’t have
RMB40 million at forty, do not come back
to me or represent yourselves as my students."
Many netizens believe, a teacher should not
measure students by money. Lai Jinhong, a reporter
of Taiwan United Daily News said Dong Fan’s speech
reflected the attitude of “going after money" in China.

Dong Fan emphasized on microblog, developing
graduate students’ wealth consciousness
is one of his jobs.

An honorary professor at Seton Hall University, U.S.
Yang Liyu said, as far as he knows,Dang
is not the first Chinese scholar to make this point.

Yang told Radio Free Asia, a teacher’s job
is to transmit wisdom, impart knowledge and
resolve doubts, among which transmitting wisdom
should come first, meaning to teach a student
how to become a man. But now in China’s schools,
few teachers are teaching spiritual values,
which is one of the reasons for the current
endless social problems in China.

Yang Liyu: “Notice how prevalent deception and
official profiteering are in China today. Also notice
how many children are hurt because
of fake medicine, tainted food and milk.
Officials collude with merchants.
The value of sincerity is lost."

Dong Fan also said, well-educated people’s poverty
means incapability, laziness, shame and failure.
Huang Yiping, a professor from Peking University,
said that he “strongly disagrees on it". Huang said:
“Is money the only measure of success?"

Facing netizens’ criticism, Dong Fan then replied
with 47 messages on microblog, clarifying that
“40 million" is merely to “encourage students".
But a netizen Bricezhang said, that such
encouragement is doleful for China’s high education.

A professor from Capital Normal University,
Sun Yanjun said that taking money as the only
measure of success is a prevalent social disposition
in today’s China. It is an unhealthy social mind
developed in an unhealthy society.

According to Sichuan Online, in today’s China,
where thousands of graduates can not find a job
or make a living, it is such a negative example
that a teacher disapproves students
because of low income. If the stream of morality
could flow more from teachers to students,
we will have hope for a better future.

According to Radio Free Asia, Dong Fan, Director
of Real Estate Center at BNU, is known as one
of the “Four Talkers” in Chinese real estate industry.
Previously he proposed that “cohabitation
without marriage could stimulate housing purchase”,
which aroused wide controversy among netizens.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Xue Li.
