









郝劲松(北京法律工作者):“他发现,原来基层的官员腐败也好,侵犯自己的权益也好,是由于上面的不作为造成的。 所以这个时候他就希望罢免这些官员。”






Landless Villagers Dismiss Officials

Recent events in China have spurred demands
for the dismissal of officials who were accused
of “doing nothing” in addressing issues.
Legal professionals believe petitions that ask
for the removal of local officials is the only way
for Chinese citizens to defend their rights.

On April 1, representatives of tens of thousands
of landless farmers went to Chongqing Municipal
People’s Congress to submit a proposal
to remove the mayor. Chongqing landless villagers
have been petitioning for rights since 2006.
Villagers are repeatedly beaten and illegally detained.
City officials and land developers joined
to illegally oppress people.
Since officials don’t serve the people,
people request to remove the mayor.

During the regime’s “two meetings" in March,
5000 Harbin citizens and representatives
of tens of thousands of Shanghai citizens launched
a recall of the district leader, the Municipal People’s
Congress director, the mayor and the governor,
due to the lack of reasonable
and lawful settlement over their land loss.

Moreover, as early as the 2nd half of 2010,
40,000 shareholders of Shanxi Province
mountain and forestry enterprises went
to the Shanxi’s governor to launch a lawsuit
against the corruption between the Shanxi Court
and the Public Security Bureau. Not getting result,
they requested the removal of the governor
and other officials from their positions.

Shen Peilan, representative of organizers to remove
Shanghai People’s Congress’ and other officials
told Voice of America, since petition does not work,
they started the process to dismissing officials.

Shen Peilan: “We are suppressed for appealing
for our rights. Until now, no one helped us.
What we are doing now is according to the law,
the country’s constitution. They do not resolve
our issues, so we launch our rights to recall them.”

Regarding this trend, mainland China
non-government Internet rights movement leader,
Zhang Jianping, told Radio Free Asia on April 4:

“This is very interesting and encouraging.
Officials abuse their power and steal land.
They should be impeached. We should exercise
our rights as citizens. We should not give up
our rights because the regime does not allow us to.
We have a legal basis to express our request.”

Beijing lawyer Hao Jinsong told Voice of America,
that in the past when someone faced injustice,
he would petition, talk and cry over and over again
about the injustice, but that doesn’t solve anything.
Then he thought it over:

“He found out that the cause of officials’ corruption
and their rights being violated is high-level officials’
negligence. Therefore he hopes to dismiss them.”

Hao Jinsong thinks Chinese citizens’ requests
to remove officials from their positions,
according to the law,
is a leap to the next level to defend their rights.

Professor of Finance at University of Hong Kong,
Chenggang Xu, thinks land privatization
is a key political and economic issue in China.
The social conflicts will be more and will intensify
until the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
returns the land to its people.

Renowned Beijing scholar Peng Dingding,
told The Epoch Times: “Land privatization in China
is imperative, but the government will not return
the land to people, as the current regime
is supported by those who benefit from it.
Land privatization is impossible,
no matter how intense social conflicts become.”

Overseas media professional Yu Zhongjian thinks:
“To maintain its power, CCP needs a huge political
structure and a large amount of money.
Without the money from land, CCP will collapse.”
He believes that the communist party’s greed
and totalitarian nature has automatically taken
the path against universal principles.
This will inevitably lead CCP to its disintegration.

NTD reporters Song Feng and Liu Hui
