【禁闻】艾未未迄今下落不明 国际社会关注












德国外长韦斯特韦勒敦促中国(共)立即放人,并就事件做出解释。法国外交部发言人瓦莱罗(Bernard Valero)也发表声明说,法国非常担忧艾未未的命运,并密切关注他和家人的情况。

Missing Ai Weiwei: An International Concern

Renowned artist Ai Weiwei remains out of reach
since his April 3arrest, with 8 of his assistants
questioned by police. Concerns voiced in U.S.,
UK, Germany and France have risen.
Amnesty International proclaimed the arrest
of Ai Weiwei too. The intensity of dissent
activities in China has reached a new level.

Accompanied by his assistant Liu,
Ai was going to a Hong Kong Art Conference
followed by a visit to Taipei for his art exhibition,
They got separated by airport staff to follow
different routes, after which contact was lost
between them. Ai had prior told Liu that
if something were to happen, to go to Hong Kong
and tell the truth to the public.

Eight of his assistants were taken
to the Nan police office, three of whom remain
detained. Police searched his studio for hours
confiscating 30 works and personal computers.
Foreign reporters were removed from the scene
by plainclothes and had their photos deleted.

Police refused to show proof of identity
when coming to search and did not leeve a list
of the items they took away.

Xiaoyuan Liu, Ai’s lawyer, said that it remains
unknown which police officers took him,
nor where he is. According to the law police must
inform the family within 48 hours of the arrest.

Liu: “It will be 48 hours until this morning,
so let’s see if they will inform Ai’s family.
According to the law, one has the right
to summon a lawyer when forcefully arrested.
Let’s wait for news today.”

It is also said that in the past 3 days police came
to him for identity information, claiming that
it was for registration of non-Beijing residents.

Ai had never been detained in previous attacks
and warnings by Sichuan and Beijing police,
even though his Shanghai studio was illegally
demolished. Will this airport arrest evolve
into criminal detention or sentence?
International and domestic media are watching.

Ai was assistant director in TV series “Beijinger"
in New York and the design consultant
of Beijing National Stadium, which also hosted
many international art exhibitions. He has taken
part proactively in human rights activities
and criticized fearlessly the Shanghai authorities
on the unjust sentence of Yang Jia. He
has been supportive to his assistants going to
Wenchuan to investigate the students casualties
and the shoddy buildings. He also personally
flew to Chengdu to testify for Zuoren Tan,
another human rights activist, when Ai’s head
was severely injured in a police attack.

On April 4 U.S. State Department Spokesman
urged the Chinese authorities to free Ai Weiwei
immediately, refering to international concerns.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague
also expressed concern over Ai’s arrest, urging
the Chinese regime to release Ai
and give reasonable explanation on the case.

German Foreign Minister too urged China
to release Ai Weiwei and to offer an explanation.
Same concerns were conveyed by the French
Foreign Spokesman, Bernard Valero, who said
that he is worried about Ai’s family as well.

NTD reporters Xue Qin and Huang Rong
