他说: “如果你见识过,就知道这不是一个愉快的差事。如果谁认为这有意思,他是没做过。夏天我看到工人在楼房顶上铺沥青,那是苦差事。到阿富汗打仗也很苦。在迪斯尼B舞台上配音不那么困难,它就是讨人厌。 “It’s not a pleasant deal if you saw it. Anybody who thinks it’s fun hasn’t done it. It’s hard work. I used to watch guys put up asphalt roofing on office buildings in the mid-west in the summer and said, that is hard work.Being a soldier in Afghanistan is hard work. Doing voice sessions at Disney’s Stage B is not hard work; it’s annoying."
“有乐趣的事情是:不惜一切代价戏弄汤姆汉克斯,我只要有机会,就耍弄汤姆。"The fun factor is this: Annoying Tom Hanks at all costs, any chance I get. Give it to Tom."