
Swans Released Marking Spring in Germany

Sunny Chao, David Lee

1. gently: adv. 温柔地,轻轻地
2. chase: v 追逐,追捕
3. canal: n. 运河,(动植物体内的)管、道
4. district: n. 区,行政区
5. representative: n. 代表
6. be responsible for: phr. 负责
7. release: v. 释放,放松

Spring arrived in Hamburg over the weekend. At the change of season, about 120 swans were gently chased along several canals until they reached the city’s Alster River.
The swans spent the winter months on Muehlenteich pond in the Eppendorf district of Hamburg. City officials kept the pond from freezing over — just for the swans.
这些天鹅冬天都待在汉堡伊彭多夫区 (Eppendorf) 的穆兰太许池塘 (Muehlenteich)过冬。汉堡市为了这些天鹅,特地让池塘保持不结冰。

Swan representative Olaf Niess is responsible for caring for the birds. He watched them get all excited when they were released.
8. go for it: phr.【俚】努力争取;冒险尝试;大胆一试
9. grant: v. 同意,授予
10. refresh: v. 使清新,恢复精神
11. council: n. 会议,地方议会
12. forbid: v. 禁止
13. insult: v. 侮辱
14. in charge of: phr. 主管,照料

[Olaf Niess, Swan Representative]:
“They all really went for it and just kept on swimming."
天鹅代表奥拉夫‧尼斯说: “这些天鹅真的都很兴奋,它们一直向前游。”
Passers-by enjoyed the view from a local bridge as the swans were once again granted their freedom.

[Helmut Monske]:
“It is always great to see, it is refreshing for the soul."
Hamburg has been granting these graceful animals special privileges for decades.
According to tradition, the city council put swans under special protection in 1664. Since then it has been forbidden to “ insult, hurt or kill" the birds. From 1818, a Hamburg city “swan representative" has been in charge of the animals.
汉堡市议会自1664年就延续着一项传统,那就是把天鹅列为特别保护动物。人们不能" 侮辱、伤害、或残杀" 天鹅。从1818年以来,汉堡市还设有" 天鹅代表" 负责照顾天鹅。

本则影音新闻出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/ns_europe/2009-04-06/342453561839.html

I wasn’t aware of that.

Praise is not pudding.

1. Chinese tourist arrivals break 3,000 daily ceiling
2. DPP calls on defense chief to resign
3. PRC dissident detained on sensitive anniversary
4. N Korea expels UN arms inspectors, shuts nuclear talks
北韩驱逐联合国武器调查员 关闭核子谈判
5. Mel Gibson’s wife files for divorce
1. daily ceiling: 每日上限
2. calls on: 呼吁
3. dissident: 异议份子
4. detain: v. 拘捕
5. file: v. 提出
6. divorce: n. 离婚
