

我是聖荷西市長馬特馬漢(Matt Mahan),我祝您和您的家人節日快樂,新年快樂。 我希望龍年為您和您的家人帶來平安、繁榮和好運。 在聖荷西,我們將在新的一年繼續共同努力,確保我們的城市安全、清潔,並為每個人提供充分的經濟發展機會。 再次祝福您和您所愛的人節日快樂,新年快樂。

I’m Matt Mahan, Mayor of San Jose, and I want to wish you and your family a very happy holiday season and Happy New Year. I hope that the Year of the Dragon brings you and your family peace, prosperity, and good fortune. Here in San Jose, we’re going to continue to work together in the new year to ensure that our city is safe, clean, and full of economic opportunity for everyone. Once again, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
