

知道現在是什麼時候嗎? 現在是農曆新年,祝你節日快樂。 我是特里薩·考克斯(Teresa Cox),費利蒙市第六區議員,代表美麗的歐文頓區。 我想祝福大家在此刻歡樂,互助友愛,與家人和朋友重續新舊友誼,但最重要的是,我要感謝所有人,因為你的幫助讓我們的社區變得更加強大,並將其建設成為一個適合所有人居住的社區。 祝您農曆新年快樂,節日快樂,祝福您擁有最豐饒、健康、壯麗的新的一年。 特蕾莎·考克斯,費利蒙市議會議員。 謝謝。

Do you know what time it is? It’s Lunar New Year and happy holidays. I’m Teresa Cox, Fremont City Council Member, District 6, representing the fine Irvington District. I want to wish all of you a time to rejoice, a time to share, a time to give to others, a time to renew old and new friendships with family and friends, but also most importantly, I want to give thanks to all of you because you helped make our community a stronger and building it into what is one community, one community for all people. Happy Lunar New Year and happy holidays and may you have the most fertile and healthy and magnificent new year. Teresa Cox, Fremont City Council Member. Thank you.
