從阿爾及利亞向北移動的巨大沙塵帶侵襲南歐和中歐地區,使阿爾卑斯山和比利牛斯山脈的山坡變成橘色,阿爾及利的天空則變成了紅色。當地時間2月6日,撒哈拉沙塵將阿爾卑斯山滑雪勝地的雪染成了橘黃色;位於瑞士費拉山谷(Val Ferret)的拉福利(La Fouly)滑雪場,有民眾拍下了雪地覆蓋著一層厚厚的橘黃色沙塵,天空也呈現出詭異的黃色。
When snow becomes sand#Saharan dust has transformed the landscape in parts of Europe.
Jura mountains on border between Switzerland and France from WMO’s Lu Ren
Details of WMO’s work to improve warnings of this major environmental and health hazardhttps://t.co/LKpsn1w2LJ pic.twitter.com/AdqJPHC4fr
— World Meteorological Organization (@WMO) February 6, 2021
The sky turned red in Oran, Algeria due to an increase in sand coming from Sahara Desert.
“FOLLOW US"#Africa #Algeria #Sand #SaharaSand #SaharanDust #saharadesert #followtrain pic.twitter.com/94i2deyC3E
— Naija Premium Gist (@naijapremiumgst) February 9, 2021
法國比利牛斯山當地時間2月6日遭遇撒哈拉沙塵,安道爾公國(Andorra)的滑雪場被黃沙覆蓋。法國東部的白朗峰霞慕尼山谷(Chamonix Mont-Blanc Valley)也因為撒哈拉沙塵入侵而出現橘雪。當地時間2月7日,德國當地也出現橘黃色的積雪。
stay tuned to hear whether the latest Saharan dust clouds make it across the Atlantic again https://t.co/K8PRQ6QzPQ
— Motria *Банду Геть* Caudill, PhD (@motinka) February 9, 2021
From snow to sand storm: dystopian skies over Lake #Laman as the dust reaches ?? this morning
My contribution to the impressive #SaharaStaub #SaharanDust pictures shared by many today pic.twitter.com/GwJ43uy3Ca
— Martin Vetterli (@MartinVetterli) February 6, 2021
This morning, I woke up to a beautiful sky. Every now and then, the wind blows the #Sahara sands all the way up to #Switzerland. https://t.co/duVSamOoMF
— Julien Senn (@SennJulien) February 6, 2021