照吃照喝不上健身房 美國胖妞年減逾50公斤(組圖)



這名在牧場工作的27歲女子特威瑟爾曼(Kiah Twisselman)從小就為肥胖所苦,她的體重一度高達285磅(129公斤)。在看了《女孩洗把臉》(Girl Wash Your Face)這本書之後,她下決心要減肥


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Going out to eat while trying to lose weight used to give me anxiety. Shortly after starting my health journey, we were invited to a birthday dinner for a friend at a local pizza joint. Before dinner I did what I still do to this day, I planned ahead. I looked up the menu and decided I was going to order a salad for dinner that night. Decision made. As we sat down and started visiting with our friends, the waitress came to take orders. Every single appetizer that was ordered for the table was bread-based. Hot fresh breadsticks are my kryptonite – I LOVE THEM. While everyone else was enjoying each other’s company, I was quietly and internally wallowing in my own self pity. I sat there letting my mind spiral, thinking things like, “I wish I could just eat foods like a normal person. I wish I didn’t have to follow these stupid diet rules. I don’t get to enjoy this birthday dinner as much as everyone else.” I honored my commitment, passing on the appetizers and ordering a salad for dinner. And guess what… I survived! It wasn’t until afterwards that I had a realization. Instead of letting my mind focus on thoughts that victimized myself, a more helpful thought could have been, “I am making an empowered choice to honor my decision, not because I CAN’T have bread, but because my long term goals are more important to me than the instant gratification of fresh breadsticks.” WOW. Same circumstance. Different thought. Entirely different feeling. The first thought made me feel like crap. The second thought made me feel proud that I was honoring a commitment to myself! My approach to dieting is that I CAN have whatever I want, but I get to make EMPOWERED CHOICES to plan on how to fuel my body best with balance and moderation. Some moments it just takes reminding myself of that, taking total ownership, not only of my actions, but also of my thoughts that influence them. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again – the most important and powerful part of this whole health journey is our mindset. You are not a victim to your circumstances. You are not a victim to diet rules. This is your life, take ownership of it and start making EMPOWERED CHOICES on how to live it.

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The only part of my body I used to like was my eyes. They are ice blue just like my dad’s, and the only part of my body I couldn’t consider overweight! I hated every other part of me. My arms were saggy. My legs lumpy. My stomach flabby. I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, desperate to escape it. My desperation led me to sign up for countless fad diets. Maybe this would be the one, the quick fix that will make me beautiful and worthy. I thought that maybe if I was skinnier I’d finally be able to accept myself, I’d finally be able to live life with confidence. I’d start off each new diet strong, and then once I made the first mistake, I’d use that as evidence for why I was destined to fail again. Instead of giving myself grace and forgiveness, I’d spiral, piling on more shame and self-loathing. And then, to buffer away my emotions and disappointment, I’d eat. Food was my comfort, an instant release of dopamine to allow me to escape my feelings and discomfort. And so, the pattern would continue. Hate myself. Start a diet. Make a mistake. Hate myself more. Eat food. Gain weight. And repeat. This time, I knew things had to be different. I had to BREAK THE CYCLE – a cycle that I had created in my own mind. I knew I needed to learn to love myself FIRST, instead of focusing on the diet or exercise plan, as if my physical appearance was the solution to my problems. You, as you are, are beautiful, worthy, and whole. When we learn to love ourself FIRST, our journey becomes fueled by our commitment each day to becoming our best, rather than by self-shame and punishment. When we love ourself first, we forgive ourself, we stop quitting on ourself, and we reach for more. Not because we hate who we are, but because we love who we know we were always meant to be.

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對於特威瑟爾曼而言,最大的改變不是她的身體,而是她的心理。她告訴「無聊熊貓」(Bored Panda)網站說:「更重要的是,我減輕了多年來心理上所承受的壓力。」

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Stop saying you’ll start over on Monday. I don’t care if you haven’t exercised in 5 years. I don’t care if you just got done binging a gallon of ice cream on the couch in one sitting. Making a mistake or taking a break doesn’t mean you have to turn around and start over. When we tell ourselves we’re going to start over, we’re making the false assumption that we’ll do it perfectly next time. We think that if we can’t do it flawlessly, then we shouldn’t do it at all. Stop self-sabotaging yourself with your BS all-or-nothing mentality. You get to decide, right now in this moment, to stand back up. You get to choose to learn from your failure and walk through it, only becoming stronger on the other side. This journey has been a long, imperfect one. I’ve given into food urges, I’ve missed workouts, I’ve gained weight just as fast as I’ve lost it. I fail all the freakin’ time. But I always choose to stand back up. Failure is guaranteed, standing back up is a choice. What will you choose for yourself? Size 20 ?? Size 6

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