萊昂納多疫期助窮困發起挑戰 艾倫應戰豪捐百萬美金 點名賈斯汀續戰

【新唐人北京時間2020年04月19日訊】中共病毒影響,全球死亡人數每日上升,經濟動盪,甚至有市民失去收入來源,挨餓度日。荷里活巨星萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)同時發起「#AllinChallenge」挑戰呼籲大家捐款,幫補一些缺乏物資的家庭,讓需要的人可獲取足夠糧食,避免挨餓。被點名的名嘴艾倫Ellen DeGeneres)爽快接受挑戰,並捐出巨款100萬美金。


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We recently launched #AmericasFoodFund to help make sure every family in need gets access to food at this critical time. Our most vulnerable communities need our support now more than ever. That’s why we’re asking you to help us with the #AllinChallenge. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be able to work with the great @martinscorsese_, Robert De Niro and myself, this is your chance. Robert and I are going to be starring in a new movie called Killers of the Flower Moon, directed by Martin Scorsese. We want to offer you a walk-on role, the opportunity to spend the day on the set with the three of us, and attend the premiere. To take part, please go to allinchallenge.com and donate whatever you can. 100% of your donation will go to @MealsonWheelsAmerica, @NoKidHungry and #AmericasFoodFund (@wckitchen & @feedingamerica) @officiallymcconaughey, @theellenshow and @iamjamiefoxx, will you go all in with us?

A post shared by Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) on

萊昂納多也在個人Instagram邀請羅拔迪尼路(Robert De Niro)一起視訊,發起「#AllinChallenge」。兩人提出要是在網站中捐款就有機會參與裡萊昂納多最新電影《Killers of the Flower Moon》,成為當中的臨時演員,跟萊昂納多、羅拔迪尼路以及馬田史高西斯(Martin Scorsese)一起工作,甚至可以出席電影的首映禮。

萊昂納多在「#AllinChallenge」中,點名名嘴主持Ellen DeGeneres以及奧斯卡兼金球獎最佳男主角馬修麥康納希(Matthew McConaughey)兩人參與挑戰。

Ellen DeGeneres非常爽快便接受了「#AllinChallenge」,捐出巨款100萬美元,一般來說Ellen DeGeneres是不會公開捐款的額數,不過今次她希望能夠引出更多人作出實際行動。

另外Ellen DeGeneres跟裡安納度的附帶條件類同,只要在網站上去到她的頁面捐出25美元(約194.5港元),就有機會跟她一起主持她的節目《The Ellen DeGeneres Show》,訪問頂級巨星。

帥氣應戰的艾倫在「#AllinChallenge」中,點名賈斯汀·提姆布萊克(Justin Timberlake)和蘿拉·鄧恩(Laura Dern)延續挑戰。

Gavin Newsom is doing an incredible job.

Gavin Newsom is doing an incredible job.

Posted by Ellen DeGeneres on Friday, April 17, 2020

Ellen DeGeneres日前在一個網絡節目中講到在中共病毒疫情下,當她看到大眾在排隊等食物時,都會不自覺流淚,等食物等足數小時的畫面非常令人痛心。

