【新唐人北京時間2020年04月11日訊】美國第一夫人梅蘭妮亞川普於4月9日透過推特, 上傳自己戴口罩的照片, 並配上文字及影片重述美國疾病管制暨預防中心的倡議;希望美國人民在無法保持社交距離的特殊場合上, 要配戴布口罩。第一夫人梅蘭妮亞川普進一步強調, 保持社交距離是無法完全取代戴口罩。
As the CDC studies the spread of #COVID-19, they recommend people wear cloth face coverings in public settings when social distancing can be hard to do. Remember, this does NOT replace the importance of social distancing. pic.twitter.com/HRaQHFgXxn
— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) April 9, 2020
第一夫人梅蘭妮亞重視在中共病毒(武漢肺炎)肆虐全球期間配戴口罩的舉動, 而據消息人士透露, 第一夫人梅蘭妮亞也要求自己的部分幕僚待在家中辦公。
As the CDC continues to study the spread of the COVID-19, they recommend people wear cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing measures can be difficult to maintain. Remember, this does not replace the importance of social distancing. pic.twitter.com/eF3o33CUVS
— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) April 9, 2020