另外,斯里蘭卡內閣發言人塞納瑞特尼(Rajitha Senaratne)週一表示,該國官方認為,組織和發動這些襲擊的很可能是伊斯蘭武裝組織National Thowheed Jamath(NTJ)。
但是,美國左派代表、前總統奧巴馬(Barack Obama)卻在聲明中着力譴責對遊客和「復活節禮拜者」的「人道主義」攻擊,而絕口不提恐怖主義份子對基督教信仰的迫害。
The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 21, 2019
做出類似表態的高層民主黨人還包括前國務卿希拉里(Hillary Clinton)、前住房與城市發展部(Housing and Urban Development)部長卡斯特羅(Julian Castro)、科羅拉多州州長波利斯(Jared Polis)等。另外,民主黨參議員、2020年總統候選人桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)也避提敏感的宗教字眼。
On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I'm praying for everyone affected by today's horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 21, 2019
On a day of redemption and hope, the evil of these attacks on Easter worshippers and tourists in Sri Lanka is deeply saddening. My prayers today are with the dead and injured, and their families. May we find grace.
— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) April 21, 2019
Heartbreaking to learn about the attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka. Colorado stands with the people of Sri Lanka during this very tragic day and we grieve for those affected by these acts of violence.
— Jared Polis (@GovofCO) April 21, 2019
Our hearts go out to the victims and families of the horrific attacks in Sri Lanka. No person should have to fear for their life in their place of worship. We must work to bring this world together around our common humanity.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 21, 2019
但副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)在事發當天即公開譴責,這一暴行是對世界各地基督教信仰的攻擊,是對宗教自由的冒犯。
.@POTUS and I are monitoring the horrific attacks on those celebrating Easter in Sri Lanka. Our hearts & prayers are with the victims & their families. This atrocity is an attack on Christianity & religious freedom everywhere. No one should ever be in fear in a house of worship.
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) April 21, 2019
在奧巴馬政府長達8年的執政中,奧巴馬及希拉里等人一直不願將激進的穆斯林視作許多恐怖主義襲擊的根源,並因此而遭到批評。在2015年的國家祈禱早餐會(National Prayer Breakfast)致辭中,奧巴馬甚至試圖把恐怖組織「伊斯蘭國」(ISIS)所使用的恐怖和酷刑與中世紀基督教形成道德對等。
十多天前,民主黨眾議員奧馬爾(Ilhan Omar)因不當評論「9•11」事件的視頻流出而遭到激烈批評。她把殺死數千美國人的「9•11」事件描述為「有些人做了些什麼」(some people who did something),對恐怖份子暗含同情甚至稱讚。她還呼籲穆斯林美國人,要憑藉積極參與社會活動及批評猶太國家以色列而「使人們感到不安」。
但是,儘管招致廣泛的批評,民主黨領導人卻並未譴責奧馬爾的不當言論,反而因川普總統在推特上轉發抨擊奧馬爾的視頻而譴責川普煽動仇恨與暴力。左翼女權組織「女性遊行」(Women』s March)甚至發起一場請願,要求社交媒體臉書和推特暫停川普的賬號。