【新唐人2018年12月14日訊】週四(12月13日),川普總統就其前律師科恩(Michael Cohen)指控他違反競選財務法聲明,自己從未命令科恩違法法律。作為律師,科恩應該為自己的錯誤負責,而且其違法行為多數都是與川普無關的個人問題。
川普接着表示,許多競選財務律師都強烈指出,川普絲毫也沒違法競選財務法,因為那根本就不是競選資金。 科恩在很多與川普無關的問題上遭到指控並犯了罪,但他卻對兩項並非犯罪的選舉方面的指控認罪,而這可能甚至連民事違法都算不上。
I never directed Michael Cohen to break the law. He was a lawyer and he is supposed to know the law. It is called “advice of counsel,” and a lawyer has great liability if a mistake is made. That is why they get paid. Despite that many campaign finance lawyers have strongly……
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 13, 2018
….stated that I did nothing wrong with respect to campaign finance laws, if they even apply, because this was not campaign finance. Cohen was guilty on many charges unrelated to me, but he plead to two campaign charges which were not criminal and of which he probably was not…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 13, 2018
….guilty even on a civil basis. Those charges were just agreed to by him in order to embarrass the president and get a much reduced prison sentence, which he did-including the fact that his family was temporarily let off the hook. As a lawyer, Michael has great liability to me!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 13, 2018
52歲的科恩週三被紐約一名聯邦法官判處了3年有期徒刑。他在法庭上道歉,稱他為前僱主川普掩蓋了「骯髒勾當」,還稱他因錯誤地欽佩川普而誤入歧途。他還請求法官對他進行寬大處理,甚至讓他免除牢獄懲罰,因為他配合了特別檢察官穆勒(Robert Mueller)的調查。
科恩對穆勒所指控的8項罪行認罪,包括向國會作偽證、欺詐銀行、逃稅等,但他把 向兩名自稱與川普有舊情的女星付封口費的責任推給川普,並指控川普違反了競選財務法等。