MamaCheung’s steamed tofu fishcake, a very easy and nutricious dish. I hope you like it.
材料 Ingredients (兩人份量 2 people portion):
兩件布包豆腐 2 blocks of tofu
兩茶匙生抽 2tsp soy sauce
一茶匙老抽 1tsp dark soy sauce
一湯匙蠔油 1tbsp oyster sauce
一茶匙半砂糖1.5tsp sugar
一茶匙麻油 1tsp sesame oil
適量葱花 chopped scallion
芫茜碎(不是必要)chopped cilantro (optional)
本文網址: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2018/05/07/a1374652.html