港式脆皮咕嚕肉 開胃、下飯一流(視頻)


MamaCheung’s Sweet and Sour Pork, a very popular Chinese dish. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.

Sweet and Sour Pork Recipe

材料 Ingredients:六至八人份量/6-8 people portion

三百五十克梅頭豬扒 350g pork shoulder
半隻青椒 1/2 green bell pepper
半隻紅椒 1/2 red bell pepper
三片菠蘿 3 slices of pineapple, diced
六十克粟粉 60g corn starch
六十克生粉 60g starch
兩隻雞蛋 2 eggs

酸甜汁材料 Sweet and sour sauce ingredient:
一湯匙番茄膏 1tbsp tomato puree
兩湯匙茄醬 2tbsp tomato ketchup
六分一茶匙鹽 1/6tsp salt
兩茶匙生粉加一湯匙清水 2tsp starch in 1tbsp water
兩湯匙清水 2tbsp water
三湯匙糖 3tbsp sugar
六湯匙白醋 6tbsp white vinegar

豬扒調味料 Marinade for pork
一湯匙生抽 1tbsp soy sauce
六分一茶匙鹽 1/6 tsp salt
半茶匙糖 1/2tsp sugar
六分一茶匙胡椒粉 1/6tsp ground black pepper



