載逾400人偷渡船地中海翻覆 已知25死




海岸防衛隊發言人馬利尼(Filippo Marini)說,最初報導顯示,船上載有400─600人,目前已知至少360人獲救,並發現25具屍體。


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At 8 am Irish time, the LÉ NIAMH was tasked by the Italian Marine Rescue Co-Ordination Centre (MRCC) to come to the assistance of a fishing vessel 110 kilometres north-west of Tripoli with an estimated 600 persons on board. The LÉ NIAMH arrived on scene at 11.45 am and deployed two rhibs (rigid hull inflatable boats) either side of the vessel as per standard operating procedure, however the vessel capsized. The LÉ NIAMH immediately deployed all available assets including rhibs and life rafts. The Italian vessel the MIMBELLI sent a helicopter to the scene to deploy additional life rafts and two further vessels, the Italian SIRIO and Médicins Sans Frontiére DIGNITY 1 are on site assisting with the efforts. It can now be confirmed that 367 rescued people are on board (342 male, 12 female and 13 children) the LÉ NIAMH and 25 bodies have also been recovered. The LÉ NIAMH has rescued 1280 migrants before this operation and is now en route to Palermo, other vessels remain at the scene. We wish all the best to the crew of the LÉ NIAMH in the continuance of their duties and our thoughts are with the deceased and their families during these tragic and challenging times.

Posted by Irish Defence Forces on 2015年8月5日
