【禁聞】牡丹江法院刁難律師 逐家屬出庭
























採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/李智遠

District Court in Mudanjiang Illegally Intimidated Lawyers and Expelled Defendant’s Family

A district court of Aimin District, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang
Province recently illegal tried Falun Gong practitioners
Guan Rian and Zhang Yutang.

The court purposely created difficulties for defense
lawyers and defendants’ family members by sitting
in on the trial in an illegal and reckless manner.

When a defendant’s family member questioned the court’s
violation of law, she was forced out of the court by guards.

Let’s look at the following report to see what and why
the Aimin district court did what they did.

At 9 a.m. on Feb. 13, Xi Xiangdong and Shi Fulong,
defense lawyers for Falun Gong practitioners Guan Rian
and Zhang Yutang, were held by court guards and forced
to undergo security inspection at the court entrance.

Xi Xiangdong: “We were also required to leave the laptop
out of the court, as the guard said this is a recording
and videotaping equipment.’

Of course we didn’t agree.

Wherever we go, lawyers are exempt from security check
according to law.

Our laptop is also a necessary tool for our work
during trial."

Xi Xiangdong said court guards completely ignored
the rules issued by the Supreme Court which
were displayed on the court wall.

The judge Jiang Bingbing even placed inquisition records
on them, claiming that the lawyers did not follow
security inspection rules.

The judge further intimidated lawyers by claiming that they
would be regarded as giving up defense rights if they did not
enter the court immediately.

The two lawyers tried their best to argue the issue.

At 10 a.m., they were finally given access to the court
after the court’s vice dean intervened.

Xi Xiangdong futher revealed the story when they visited
the district court this January to read case records.

At that time, Judge Jiang Bingbing also told them that
lawyers had to undergo security check, and only allowed
the lawyers to take manual notes instead of taking
photos or making copies of the documents.

The Aimin district court is also accused of conducting
many illegal procedures during the trial.

Two more defense lawyers, Tang Jitian and Jiang Tianyong,
were not notified of the trial.

The court also allowed up to two family members for each
defendant to sit in on the hearing, which is also unlawful.

Defense lawyers Xi and Shi reminded the judge that
holding a court session without the other two lawyers
is violation of law.

However, the chief judge ignored the warning, and further
expelled Zhao Xin, defendant Guan Rian’s wife,
from the court during the trial.

The judge forcibly stopped the trial three times,
without any reason for two of the stoppages.

During recess, Zhang Yutang and Guan Rian were
taken out of the court for over 10 minutes.

When the two defendants returned to court, their
mental status had significantly changed.

According to family members of Zhang and Guan,
Zhang Yutang was aided by court a guard when entering
the court and Guan Rian walked in by himself.

Both appeared to be in a good mental state.

Guan Rian also asked why the other two defense lawyers
were not present.

However, when the trial re-convened at 1 p.m.,
Zhang Yutang had to use a wheelchair to enter the court;
Guan Rian looked sedated and frequently gave no
response to lawyers’ questions.

Zhang also struggled when reading
his defense statement.

Chief judge Ji Ming asked Zhang to drink some water.

However Zhang could hardly speak soon after that,
holding his head in pain.

The chief judge demanded a hasty medical examination
but then continued the trial, announcing that,
“nothing is wrong with Zhang’s health."

Zhang Yutang’s wife Zhang Cuixia stood up to contest
the court decision.

However, she was forced out of the court
by four or five guards.

Zhang Yutang did not react to the incident.

During the previous hearing, Zhang had acted very
different as he protested for a long time
when his wife was violently treated.

Lawyer Tang Jitian commented that the court tried all
possible ways to obstruct lawyers’ work as well as suppress
rights of defendants and their families.

The authority intended to scare away lawyers and
defendants to stop them from uncovering the party’s
crimes and unlawful acts, said Tang.

Tang Jitian: “Strictly speaking, Guan Rian
and Zhang Yutang’s cases are not really legal.

The authority simply tries to defame and demonize these
practitioners in the name of law and in the form of trial."

The experience of Guan Rian and Zhang Yutang has been
frequently seen during the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
16-year persecution of Falun Gong.

Tang Jitian commented that Guan Rian and Zhang Yutang
were executing their basic citizen rights.

Guan and Zhang committed no crimes while those making
false charges are the real criminals, said Tang.

The fact is, after Guan and Zhang were illegal abducted
by local state security officers last April, Aimin district
procuratorate had dimissed the appeal against them
in May due to “insufficient evidence."

However, in mid-June, a secret hearing on their cases
was held in the detention center without their families
being notified.

Since then, the district detention center and court
purposely created obstructions for previous defense
lawyers of Guan and Zhang.

Their families had to look for other lawyers.

Tang Jitian commented that any defendant involved in civil
rights and citizen’s political rights issues is regarded
as a “hostile force" inside the CCP.

Lawyers defending those people are also regarded
as “hostiles."

Thus, it has become normal to see court acting recklessly
without following any rule when handling this kind of case.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
