【禁聞】習展開軍隊清查 郭伯雄父子傳被查

















Xi Jinping Approved Large-scale Auditing Investigation Within PLA; Investigation of Guo Boxiong Reported

Chairman of the CCP;s Central Military Commission (CMC) Xi Jinping recently approved a large-scale audit of incomes and expenses within the military. Analysts say the move is to “hunt more tigers" in the army. On Feb. 11, some media reported that CMC’s former Vice Chairman Guo Boxiong had been placed under investigation. Guo Zhenggang, Guo Boxiong’s son and a major general of Zhejiang Military Region, was also detained. As Guo Boxiong is widely regarded as one of Jiang Zemin’s most capable assistants, along with Xu Caihou who fell in 2014, many are wondering when Jiang will finally be handled by Xi Jinping.

PLA Daily published an article on Feb. 11 announcing that Xi Jinping approved a plan to conduct a large-scale investigation of financial affairs with in the army. The investigation will last one year, and covers all military income and expenses during 2013 and 2014. It will look into all cash flow, vouchers, forged invoices, expenditure transfer, hidden caches of cash and other means of embezzlement.

Professor of PLA National Defense University Gong Fangbin received a media interview regarding the issue. Gong said the investigation will be conducted by auditing organs. Last November, the Military Auditing Administration became a direct subordinate of the CMC, instead of the General Logistics Department previously. The administration will report its findings to the CMC. The large-scale auditing plan is the first big move after the administration was transferred to the CMC.

Zhao Ming, senior Chinese legal scholar, said the investigation signals an extension of an anti-corruption campaign within the military both in scale and depth. This can create domino effects, said Zhao.

Zhao Yuanming: “Corruption in the PLA has a long history. When Deng Xiaoping began his economic reform, the army was give permission to participate in economic activities. Corruption thus became possible in the PLA. After Jiang Zemin took power, his strategy was really “rule by corruption." As the chairman of CMC, he bought over military officers by motivating corruption. He even promoted corrupt ones as long as they unconditionally followed his orders. This greatly worsened the situation within the military."

On Jan. 15, a source from the PLA’s General Political Department revealed that during Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong’s office term as the CMC’s vice chairman, bribery and buying titles had become a common practice. Almost everyone in the army knew the implicit price of 10 million Yuan ($1.6 M) for each corp-level position and 1 million Yuan ($160,000) for each division-level position.

The fact is that the corruption within the army became a serious problem in the 1990’s. When Jiang Zemin became chairman of the CMC, he had zero background in the army. He chose to buy over military officers by giving them “interest"through corruption. This quickly led to horrifyingly ubiquitous corruption within the PLA, including trade of military positions.

Li Shanjian, China political affairs scholar, commented that the entire PLA has thoroughly rotted away; Xi Jinping’s large-scale auditing investigation may be the result of two key reasons.

Li Shanjian: “A corrupt army can hardly be under control. Therefore those troops may threaten Xi’s power during the power struggle, or at least cause some turmoil. In addition, the PLA’s current situation is so bad that it almost has no capability to battle. So from the view of either power struggle or saving the regime, this is a move that Xi has to take."

On Jan. 15, the CCP officially announced progress of serious corruption cases of 16 military officers that were of division- or higher levels. On Jan. 19, heads of the PLA’s four general departments, including Chief of General Staff Fang Fenghui and Director of General Political Department Zhang Yang, published an article in PLA Daily voicing support for Xi Jinping. On Jan. 21, all regional military leaders announced that they would act “highly consistently" with the Central Military Committee, and aid Xi to push the “anti-corruption" campaign within the army.

On Feb. 11, overseas Chinese media revealed that 72-year-old Guo Boxiong had been taken away by military procuratorate officers on Feb. 10. His son, major general of Zhejiang Military Region Guo Shaogang was also put into disciplinary investigation.

According to the report, Xi Jinping had been investigating Guo Boxiong and former defense minister Liang Guanglie when he openly “hunted" Xu Caihou. Xi did not immediately touch Guo and Liang in consideration for the morale. However, he later found that Guo’s crimes were extremely bad, and changed his mind to punish him openly to comfort public opinion.

Zhao Yuanming: “Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong are Jiang’s key followers within the army. The dismissal of Xu has been announced. About Guo, probably his expulsion of the party and the army is in progress now. I think the report is not completely groundless. It is also very reasonable that Guo’s son is also involved if the news is true."

Since Xu Caihou was expelled from the party last June, rumors never stopped regarding the investigation of Guo Boxiong. On Aug. 12, 2014, HK’s Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy released a report, which said Guo was under investigation on charges of receiving bribery and trading military positions for money.

On Jan. 20, a Caixin (caixin.com) report clearly said “another big tiger" of the same or higher rank than Xu Caihou will fall in 2015. Media reports believe the “tiger" refers to Guo Boxiong. Many are thus wondering when Jiang Zemin will be finally touched by Xi Jinping.

Interview & Edit/LiYun
