【禁聞】中共打壓加劇 除牌律師去年增3倍

【新唐人2015年02月12日訊】中共打壓加劇 除牌律師去年增3倍



訪民鞏進軍當庭翻供 否認殺保安




郭伯雄被雙規 兒子也被帶走




歷史劇「西藏秘密」 被指史實謬誤




SOS: Chinese Regime Clamping Down on Lawyers

The CCP seriously intensified pressure on mainland lawyers,
particularly in the past year.
According to a Radio Free Asia report, there were three times
more mainland lawyers having their licenses cancelled in the last
year than the previous year.

The report quoted the latest data from the Hong Kong China
Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group.
It said that there were 13 mainland lawyers on criminal charges
or unable to practice in 2014 due to their their defense duties.
There are more suppressed lawyers in Beijing and Guangdong.

And lawyers who are unable to practice is all because of
discrimination and disturbances from enforcement and
judicial officers.

Petitioner Gong Jinjun Denying Killing the Security Official

February 11, Henan petitioner Gong Jinjun case of stabbing
security officer is heard in Hebei Shenzhou court.
Gong Jinjun retracted his confession in court and denied murder.
He said he was subjected to torture to extract a confessions.
There are no witnesses to prove Gong Jinjun stabbed the man.

Gong Jinjun’s lawyer pleaded not guilty for him.

He pointed out that Gong Jinjun was forced intoto the car by
eight people and the identity cards and all other items were taken
away after thorough frisk.

So it is impossible for Gong Jinjun to carry knives.

The trial recessed in the late afternoon and will continue on the

It’s Claimed that Guo Baixiong was Detained and Interrogated
His Son was Taken Away

The CCP Central Military Commission Vice Chairman
Guo Baixiong who is considered as one of the big tigers in the

caused speculation outside because of his absence in the New Year
Performance on February 9th.
Feb 11, overseas media said Guo Baixiong is being detained
and interrogated. He was taken away under investigation
the day before yesterday.

Hong Kong Apple Daily quoting a foreign media report said
Guo’s son Guo Zhenggang who served as deputy political
commissar of the Zhejiang Military has also been dismissed
and taken away.

Guo Zhenggang was just promoted to Major General in January.

However, the information hasn’t been confirmed officially.

Historical Drama, “Secret Tibet" is Alleged Historical Fallacy

The Tibetan Government in Exile official Cirenwangjiu, in an
criticized the mainland TV series – Secret Tibet as a distortion of
Tibetan history,and demonize the former Tibetan government.
He said it’s an excuse for the CCP to occupation of Tibet.

In the article, Cirenwangjiu said the previous Tibet is not that
barbarous place as showed in the TV series.
Compared to the noble whipped serfs, it’s much more serious for
today’s CCP police to used war clubs, flashlights and bayonets
against the Tibetans.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
