【禁聞】六四期間 政治局常委欲捲款外逃


據英國《每日電訊報》官方網站1月27號報導,香港《南華早報》前駐京記者科爾斯基(Tom Korski)取得了加拿大國家檔案館的解密文件,其中包括26年前加拿大駐京大使館的電文。在這個數千頁的外交電文中,最具爆炸性的消息是,中共最高領導層在「六四」期間,國家動盪之際,只關心如何把巨款匯到瑞士銀行,給自己留後路。















採訪/朱智善 編輯/陳潔 後製/肖顏

1989: Politburo Members Tried to Run Away with Money

Recently declassified memos from Canada show that top
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders had approached
Swiss diplomats about sending “very significant amounts of
money" to bank accounts in their country, as the 1989
Tiananmen protests shook Beijing, reported British media.

“The new claims suggest greater fears for the government’s
stability at the heart of the Communist Party than previously
thought” says The Telegraph, and shows how the officials
tried to find a way out.

The Telegraph reported on Monday that, Tom Korski,
a former Beijing correspondent for the South China Morning
Post newspaper, obtained messages from Canada’s national
archives, including confidential diplomatic cables from
the Canadian embassy in Beijing 26 years ago.

“One of the most explosive allegations in thousands of pages
of documents is that, as unrest gripped the Chinese capital
in 1989, top Communist Party leaders explored ways of
sending large sums of money to Switzerland,” it says.

Zhang Jian, China Social Problems Researcher: “Back in 1989,
the older generation were saying that since the ruling of
the CCP, the officials had become rotten to the core,
and there were millions of cases of corruption.”
“The declassified documents from Canada prove that
the core was indeed rotten by 1989."

“The Swiss Ambassador, himself an ‘Old China Hand’,
told us that over the past few months every member of
the Politburo Standing Committee has approached him
about transferring very significant amounts of money
to Swiss bank accounts," said a cable,
according to Mr Korski’s report.

Zheng Cunzhu, 1989 Students Movement Participant:
“The officials don’t think about the country, only themselves,
and they’re extremely insecure about the dictatorial regime.”

“Whenever there’s crises, their first thought is not about
safeguarding the regime, but to escape.”
“This confidential memo shows why people are sickened by
the CCP’s rule and that even the leadership knows that
it is bound to collapse."

“The new claims suggest greater fears for the government’s
stability at the heart of the Communist Party than previously
thought," reported The Telegraph.

Zhang Jian: “The CCP officials have deprived the country and
its people of their wealth, through bloody revolutions."
“They fear that their crimes will be exposed and their assets
liquidated, once the people grasp the power; that’s why
democratic reform hasn’t yet be realized in China."

“Once there are signs of the CCP collapsing,
the officials only run for their lives."

“The dispatches paint a bleak and bloody picture of military
offenses in Beijing in 1989," reports The Telegraph,
quoting Mr Korski who gives an excerpt from a description
of the crackdown: “An old woman knelt in front of soldiers
pleading for students; soldiers killed her."

“A boy was seen trying to escape holding a woman with
a two-year old child in a stroller, and was run over by a tank,"
says another.

“Chinese we talk to despair about the future of their
country," writes one diplomat.

“The country is now being controlled by a group of vicious
elderly generals and the government is run by people
who will blindly follow their orders. The situation looks grim
at best," says a Canadian embassy message sent to Ottawa
11 days after troops entered Tiananmen.

“Diplomats correctly predicted that China’s leaders would
attempt to cover-up the bloodshed unleashed on their
nation’s capital," says The Telegraph, quoting diplomats:
“It may be years before the true story is known."
“The era of darkness may be long."

WikiLeaks published in September 2011 US diplomatic cables
saying that a soldier in Tiananmen on Jun. 4, 1989, revealed
that they were tricked into firing on unarmed demonstrators
after being told that 100 of their men had presumably been
killed by students.

The soldiers then became so upset that when ordered to
shoot into the crowd they opened fire with machine guns
into the human wall before them.

When the rampage was over, there were over 1,000 dead
on the streets, almost all ordinary civilians.
The soldiers then poured fuel over and burned the bodies,
which were later flown out by helicopter.

Xie Wenqing was a former chief correspondent of
Chinese state media, Xinhua News Agency.
He personally experienced the horrors of the June 4
In his article, he describes that the armored vehicles claimed
to have been burnt and destroyed by rioters were neatly
arranged in a straight line with equal distance and heading in
the same direction, just like how the vehicles would be
arranged in a military demonstration.

His experience as a military journalist told him that
this was an elaborate hoax.

“The Tiananmen Papers, a 2001 compilation of leaked internal
Party documents, claimed that on June 2, 1989
senior leaders met in Beijing and decided to order troops
to clear the streets,” added the Telegraph.

“We’ve got to do it or the common people will rebel,"
Wang Zhen, the then president, is quoted as saying.
“Anybody who tries to overthrow the Communist Party
deserves death and no burial."

“Hundreds or even thousands of people, including many
young students, are thought to have died but no official
death toll or investigation has even been published,"
according to The Telegraph.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/XiaoYan
