





Falun Dafa is popular and welcomed in more than
140 countries and regions in the world.
This often surprises those Chinese who go overseas
for the first time.
After finding out the truth in the absence of the CCP’s
information blockade, they make their own choices.

Shi Pengpeng wrote:
“I have seen so many Falun Gong outside of China!
Only China bans the practice, the tour guide
even threatened us not to accept the materials,
otherwise, we will not be able to return China.

I quit the Communist Youth League,
I quit the Young Pioneers.
I will recite ‘Falun Dafa is good;
Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance is good."

Hui Xin, an overseas Chinese, stated:
“After so many years of misunderstanding Falun Gong
and the twists and turns in the process,
after seeing the bunch of dirty party members
with their unspeakable dark, evil, cunning
and brutal dirty faces, and after reading the ‘Nine
Commentaries on the Communist Party’,
I came to understand that we have been fooled,
cheated, and deceived for too long and too deep.

It is extremely miserable!
Poor Chinese, it is really easy to understand the truth!
Thank you, Falun Gong practitioners!

I am glad to quit the devil cult.
This is the best New Year’s gift!"
