【禁聞】令計劃妻弟被查 或涉「建三江」
















採訪/陳漢 編輯/尚燕 後製/鍾元

Ling Jihua’s Brother-in-Law Probed: Jiansanjiang Connection?

On Dec. 29, mainland China’s Caixin.com published news
that the United Front Work Department (UFWD) chief,
Ling Jihua’s wife’s brother, Gu Yuanxu, was taken away
for investigation.

The news was soon reprinted by several mainland,
Hong Kong and Taiwan media, but the Central Discipline
Inspection Commission website and the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) media have not yet reported on the topic.

From the very few authorities’ reports existing on Gu Yuanxu
one can guess that he may have been involved in
the Jiansanjiang Incident and the torture of rights lawyers.

Caixin.com says Gu was was taken by men from Beijing, after
his brother-in-law Ling Jihua had his downfall on Dec. 22,
but doesn’t mention the reason of arrest.

Heilongjiang Province’s government website has removed
Gu Yuanxu from the Public Security Department page.

Public online information shows that Gu’s last appearance
was on Dec. 5, when he attended a meeting in Shenyang
on police cooperation in Northeast China, as the head of
the Heilongjiang Public Security Department.

The Heilongjiang government has now deleted all of
its online news that mentioned Gu Yuanxu.

However the website jsj.paljw.com still has one article on Gu,
that he’d gone to Qixing Detention Center in Jiansanjiang
on Mar. 29 to “inspect and guide work"—meaning he may
have been involved in the infamous Jiansanjiang Incident.

Tang Jingyuan, Political Observer: “This is when lawyers
Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong and others were illegally detained
in Qixing Detention Center and tortured, for defending Falun
Gong practitioners jailed illegally in a Jiangsanjiang prison."

Lawyer Tang Jitian; Litigant, Jiansanjiang Incident:
“I heard from others in the detention center that people
from the Public Security Department and the director of
the Heilongjiang department was taking command."

jsj.paljw.com reported that Gu Yuanxu had put forward
specific requirements for the detention center, that its police
must know each detainee’s “ideological trends" and improve
on “educational transformation".

Tang Jingyuan: “In the mainland’s regulatory sites, this
so-called ‘educational transformation’ is in fact a synonym
for the persecution and brainwashing of the Falun Gong."

“As Gu Yuanxu went to that specific place at that exact time,
we know he’s directly linked to the Jiansanjiang Incident."

With the release of news on Gu‘s arrest,
his stories were also publicized.

Caixin.com quoted one of Gu’s former colleagues saying that
Gu had worked in the Haidian District government in Beijing,
and around 2003, he was the deputy director of Ningxia TV
for a temporary post of three years.

Once back in Beijing, Gu became an office level cadre
in the Public Security Ministry’s counter-terrorism unit.

He took office at Heilongjiang’s Public Security Department
in Harbin in September 2010, where he stayed.

Tang Jingyuan: “Gu Yuanxu went from being stage manager
in CCTV’s logistics department to a Public Security Ministry
cadre in the counter-terrorism unit, then rose to become
deputy director of Heilongjiang’s Public Security Department
and the director of the counter-terrorism office—
his promotion is obviously abnormal, meaning,
he must have had someone backing him."

Several overseas media reports say Gu was an unemployed
youth in the 80’s, then worked as a security guard for CCTV,
and later for the railway police.

His career rose up together with his brother-in-law,
Ling Jihua’s promotion.

Another person backing Gu was Ji Bingxuan,
secretary of the CCP Heilongjiang Committee.

Overseas Chinese media say Gu was appointed as deputy
director of the Public Security Department’s 27th bureau,
as well as for the anti-terrorism bureau in early 2010,
and in September that year, with the help from Ji BingXuan
—who was trusted by Zhou Yongkang and Ling Jihua—
Gu held a temporary post as the deputy director of
the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department,
so he could “gain more experience."

Tang Jingyuan: “Ji Bingxuan was one of Liu Yunshan’s
right-hand men; an important member of the Jiang faction."

“Hence, behind Gu Yuanxu’s promotion,
there is Jiang faction involvement."

Overseas Chinese media say that Ling Jihua is even closer to
Ji Bingxuan than to Luo Zhijun.

Ji Bingxuan has a wide network of contacts in
the Central Publicity Department, and if he is sacked,
he will be another one of Ling Jihua’s contacts to fall.

Informed sources say that Cai Wu, the Minister of Culture
who was just deposed, and Cai Mingzhao, the Propaganda
Department’s deputy director, are also “important contacts"
of Ling Jihua. 

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ZhongYuan
