【禁聞】建三江案庭審第2天 法庭爆衝突






王宇律師:「 我在法庭上多次提出,後來審判長給我和襲祥棟律師,特別給了一次警告。 另外,法庭的法警非常蠻橫,他沒有經過審判長的指揮,當時我們幾個律師強烈要求發言, 但是他不讓我們發言,根據法庭紀律,我們要舉手發言。我們一直在舉,幾個法警上來就來摁我們,審判長也沒有對法警的一些違法行為有甚麼懲戒或者告誡啊,沒有。」



王全章律師:「庭審的程序,我們不斷的在提,在每一個環節上都在提,但是法庭完全是置之不理。 法庭今天一開庭就宣佈擱置爭議,很多律師都在抗議,不停的抗議,但是法庭執意的去推進庭審的程序,在這個過程當中,律師就問得很詳細,所以法庭進展非常緩慢。」








採訪/新唐人特約記者駱亞 編輯/陳潔 後製/蕭宇

Jiansanjiang Court Conflict On Day Two of The Trial.

On Dec. 18 it was the second day of the trial of the
Heilongjiang Jiansanjiang case.

In the early morning, many plainclothes police gathered at the
lawyers’ hotel lobby to monitor and illegally interrogate them.

The trial ended at 6pm on Dec.18.

The lawyers pointed out the trial progress was very slow.

It was because of the illegal issues from Dec. 17 and the
lawyers were treated violently.

The conflict happened right after the trial started.

The Jiansanjiang incident took place in March 2014 and
triggered strong concern for China’s legal profession.

Four of the seven Falun Gong practitioners involved
are still illegally detained.

On Dec. 17, the local court opened a trial.

Eight mainland lawyers pleaded not guilty for the four
Falun Gong practitioners.

Early on Dec. 18, lawyer Wang Yu posted pictures and a
message saying that nine lawyers headed to the court.

The Qixing police station Deputy Director Li led around 30
plainclothes officers to the hotel lobby.

It was allegedly to protect the lawyers.

The lawyers were driving with 6 or 7 cars following behind
them without license plates.

Later, Lawyer Wang Yu said the police checked their ID
without checking the unlicensed cars, blocking them.

They lawyers collectively refused to stop or accept
the illegal interrogation.

The police knew they were in the wrong and
released them.

Wang Yu told NTD the trial is ended at 6pm and only
two of the four defendants were asked to appear.

The day’s trial still followed the illegal legal procedures
from the court and procuratorate with no changes.

Wang Yu, “The Chief Judge gave me and Long Xiangdong
a special warning because I repeatedly raised questions.

The court bailiff was very brutal and didn’t allow
us to speak without the judge’s command.

We were raising hands according to the law to speak, and
the bailiff came to push us.

The judge didn’t give the bailiff any warning."

Long Xiangsong also sent a message that during the morning
conflict, two bailiffs captured his arms, pressing his shoulder.

Another bailiff pinched his neck.

Lawer Wang Quanzhang said, the illegal procedures made
the day’s process very slow.

Wang Quanzhang: “We constantly raised the matter of
illegal procedure, but the court completely ignored us.

The court announced they would lay aside the disputes,
many insisted against it.

During the court procedure, the lawyers asked very detailed
questions which made progress very slow."

Wang Yu pointed out the indictment read by the prosecutor
was illegal.

It was different from the lawyers’ and defendants’ papers.

The Court and prosecutors deliberately removed evidence
favorable to the accused person, which is very important.

Wang Yu, “Yesterday we said there is a very serious mistake
in the indictment.

They didn’t bring important evidence, which is favorable
to the accused people by the defendant from the indictment.

We requested the court and the prosecutor to show it, but
the court didn’t allow us to mention this evidence."

Wang Yu told Sound of Hope, as well as illegal procedures,
the judge set up a condition about defending Falun Gong.

Wang Yu, “You cannot defend about the essential issue
of Falun Gong.

But it is completely contrary to the law, because the
defense is independent without any restrictions.

It’s completely illegal for the judge to announce this.

So we have repeatedly asked the full court to void it
but it was not allowed."

Zhang Weiyu, “Normal people will be released after one or
two days of such action."

activists and lawyers have been released.

For the same event, the same behavior, Wang Yanxin, Shi
Mengwen, Meng Fanli, Li Guifang were detained simply
because of their status. This is the Jiansanjiang events core,
but also part of the truth in current China.

Wang Yu pointed out that public security has very strong
tendency to act without fairness and impartiality on this case.

The trial essentially just went through the motions..

Interview/NTD stringer LuoYa Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/XiaoYu
