【禁聞】中國股市「雲霄飛車」 外界探因



















採訪/秦雪 編輯/王子琦 後製/周天

Roller Coaster Ride Reflects Risk Behind China’s Stock Market

China’s stock market was on a roller coaster ride recently.

After going up crazily for some while, China’s stock indices
suddenly began to dive since Tuesday.

A record-sized slump since 2009 was recorded.

Many articles have been published to analyze
why such a sharp drop occurred.

There are different theories but most analysts agree that
the risk is real for investors in China’s market.

During the past month, China’s stock market rose fast.

This was believed to result from a surprising cut in interest
rates as well as other factors.

By the end of November, China’s A-share market value
exceeded that of Japan,.

This ranking was the second largest market in the workd
next to the United States.

On Dec.2, Standard & Poor’s issued a risk warning on
China’s banking industry.

On the same day, both Shanghai and Shenzhen composite
indices saw an unexpected sharp rise.

Bank shares also rose by as much as 6.27 percent.

This Monday, Shanghai composite index topped 3000
for the first time since 2010.

A “bull market” seems insufficient to describe China’s
white-hot stock market.

Some Chinese media introduced the term “mad bull”.

The People’s Daily published a series of reports titled
“A Year in New Normal States”.

The articles apparently show a welcome attitude toward
the “bull market” in A-share stocks.

Duan Shaoyi, director assistant of Beijing Unirule Institute of
Enonomy, ”Personally, I think the continuous rise in China’s
stock market essentially results from the fact that our people
have no other investment options.

Secondly, the real estate market currently has
no good prospects.

Thirdly, many Chinese investors are not rational.

The decisions may not be based on the real value of
what they invest.

Many people think like this: the stock market has not
been rising for a long time so probably it will rise soon.

Many Chinese simply prospect for things like that.

Finally, China’s stock market is frequently manipulated.
In general China’s equity market is an irrational one.”

The following day, China’s stock market suffered
the largest tumble in 5 years.

The Shanghai composite index closed at 2856.27,
dropping by 5.43 percent.

Shenzhen composite index also dropped by 4.2 percent
at the close.

Analysts said, the big selloff is related to an announcement
of China’s securities clearing house on Dec. 8.

The announcement said the threshold for corporate bonds
qualifying as collateral for repurchase agreements was raised.

This led to concern about increasing liquidity
pressure on financial institutions.

Another reason leading to the slump is the speculation
about potential acceleration of the pace of IPOs.

Many analysts believe that the selloff can be just a result
of technical adjustment.

Most of them still hesitate to assert that the slump will
end the “bull market”.

However, people begin to discuss the risks from most
fundamental aspects of China’s economy.

Taiwan-based Liberty Times warned that, Chinese firms
lack financial transparency, have high price-earnings ratios
and much more frequently make frauds. It is better not to
touch China’s equity market.

Zhang Jialong, former editor of Tencent Finance Channel,
“In the long-term view, equity market serves as a bellwether
of the state economy.

The basis of China’s economy is not looking good.

Therefore even if the stock market appears to rise
periodically, it should see an overall drop.

To say the least this should be case under the governance
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In reviewing economic growth, technical development, the
political system and human resources, there is not much
positive to say.

Currently maintaining a 7.5 percent GDP growth already has
become a difficult task for the CCP.

So the stock market prospect cannot be that good.”

On Dec.10, the Wall Street Journal published an article
titled “5 Reasons China’s Stocks are Tanking”.

The article said, investors lack confidence in China’s stock
market as it is “plagued by insider trading and hobbled
by state regulation of initial public offerings”.

The article quoted a typical comment on weibo, which says,
“I don’t know why this stuff dropped, and I don’t know why
it goes up either; there’s almost no logic.”

Duan Shaoyi, director assistant of Beijing Unirule Institute
of Enonomy, ”China’s stock market is more like a lottery
game than a place for investment. Real stock values should
be consistent with the value of its company.

If the company makes little money but its stock value is rising,
this can only be called speculation.

Investment means making dividends from holding shares.

In comparison, China’s stock market has always been
somehow manipulated.

This is true in the past, in the present, and probably
for a long time to come as well.

In a word, China’s stock market does not reflect
the state’s true economy.”

In the meantime, China’s weaker economic data
raises concerns over the future of A-shares.

According to the CCP’s latest official foreign trade statistics,
China’s imports and exports trade volumes only rose
by 2.2 percent in the first 11 months of 2014.

In November, imports and exports trade volumes dropped
by 0.3 percent, indicating a pessimistic prospect of China’s
economic recovery.

On Wednesday, the CCP officially announced November’s
CPI increased by 1.4 percent on an annual basis, hitting a
record-low in five years.
