








河南再有擔保公司倒閉 投資人堵路



憲法日 退伍軍人公開退黨



Let’s look at rights defending activities in China.

Teacher Strikes Spread to Henan Province

Following the 8,000 teachers』 strike in Zhaodong City last month,
similar incidents took place in other areas of Heilongjiang.
This wave of teacher strikes has gone to Zhejiang Province
and Henan Province.

Thousands of teachers from Yuzhou City, Henan Province,
protested in front of City Hall on Dec. 4 against wage
deductions by the local government.

They also demanded freedom for the strike initiators
who were under house arrest.
The City Hall was heavily guarded by police.
The teachers have not yet received any response.

Shenyang Prison Starves Falun Gong Practitioner

A Dec. 4 report from Minghui.org revealed that Shenyang
First Prison starves a Falun Gong practitioner, Qu Bin.
The prison provides very limited food and put Qu Bin
on starvation.
Qu Bin is now malnourished and has become very pale and thin.

Qu Bin was abducted on July 25 and illegally sentenced
to six years imprisonment.

Two months ago, he was transferred to Shenyang First Prison
along with other Falun Gong practitioners without their family
members aware of the situation.

Qu Bin, aged 40, has been illegally abducted and detained
by the CCP six times due to his practice and belief
in Falun Gong, the cultivation of Truth, Compassion, Tolerance.

He was twice illegally sentenced.

He has experienced tortures such as beatings, electric shocks,
forced-feeding and so forth.

Henan Investors Protest against the Close of Investment Firm

On Dec. 4, thousands of investors blocked the railway train
and protested the investment company failing to pay
the principal and due interest.

They are the investors of a firm in Xinhua District
of Pingdingshan City, Henan.
Police arrived to disperse the protest
and arrested some of the protestors.

Recently, several investment firms in Henan have had a chain
collapse and many investors affected went on protest.
On Dec. 2 and Dec. 3, investors of two other investment firms
have also blocked the roads to protest against local
government failure to supervise the companies.

Veteran Publicly Denounces the CCP on Constitution Day

Human Rights Campaign in China reported a veteran from
Qingdao, Shandong Province, made a public withdrawal
from the CCP in Beijing on the 4th.

He was arrested by a Beijing Office of Qingdao official
and escorted back to Qingdao.

The veteran Gao Hongyi is a petitioner for labor disputes.

He has been routinely threatened by the underworld
and abducted by the stability maintenance personnel.
Two years ago, he accepted an interview with Associated Press.
He was then threatened with labor camp punishment.
