【禁聞】港警襲記者 5新聞團體集體報案



















採訪/易如 編輯/張天宇 後製/陳建銘

Hong Kong News Industry Files Joint Reports
on Excessive Police Force.

Since the clearance of Occupy Central, the excessive police
force and abuse by the authorities has been exposed.
Last week, the journalists working at the scene were
regularly reported to been assaulted by police.
Hong Kong media revealed, the news industry has decided
to collectively file complaints to defend press freedom.

Five Hong Kong news groups have collectively filed reports
to police headquarters in Wan Chai on Nov. 29.
Apple Daily reported, they are the Hong Kong Journalists
Association, Hong Kong Press Photographers Association,
Next Media Trade Union, RTHK Programme Staff Union,
and Journalism Educators for Press Freedom.
The report was in relation to days of violent attacks
and arrests of newsmen during the clearance.

Tyrone Siu, Chairman of Hong Kong Press Photographers
Association, “The reason why we initiated this collective
report was that many of our newsmen were assaulted by
the police during the clear out in Mong Kok.
Two reporters were arrested on different charges.

Our reporters went to the scene on duties, but the move
to drive the reporters away made it hard for us to work.
We can’t observe how the police team has operated
its authority. We are very concerned about the problem."

The two reporters arrested were Now TV technician Li Siu-
lung and Apple Daily cameraman Wong Chun-lung.
Li Siu-lung was released without charge after being
detained for 27 hours.
But his right ear was swollen with bruises and left eyelid
also swollen with obvious abrasions.

Tyrone Siu explains that this joint complaint has received
support from the news industry and Hong Kongers.

From 9:00 AM to the evening, as many as 50 people
have shown up to report to the police.

There are also many people showing solidarity at the scene
with placards stating, “Eliminate dark police, Distinguish
the violence" and shouting slogans, “Support free press,
Oppose abusive police."

Tyrone Siu,"What we are seeing in the clearing is that, the
police are remove the protesters, and also the journalists."

Tyrone Siu says many people who reported to the police
are witnesses of the police brutal attacks.
They have provided evidence such as CD and videos.

But, the receiving police only made brief records on a piece
of white paper and issued an admission number without
formal recording of the testimony. The online proofs
submitted by eyewitnesses were also rejected.

Tyrone Siu, “We believe this is by far the best and most
ideal approach.
But, we ask why the police did not record the statements
like a routine procedure.
We are curious and not sure if these details would affect
the subsequent investigation of the case."

International Federation of Journalists Asia-Pacific project
manager Hu Liyun, “The entire operation of the police and
the agency that oversees abuse by the police force are
both questionable.
The media are forced to express their views this way."

Hong Kong Social Workers’ General Union also called on
reports from the people on Nov. 29.
More than 210 members of the Union have responded
to this call.
The Union spokesman told Apple Daily that in the past
several days, police have abused their power on the streets
of Mong Kok. They attacked pedestrians and antagonized
the media.
He strongly condemned the police suppression of free press.

Other similar incidents are:

Another Apple Daily cameraman Lam Po-yik, was accused
by an officer of trying to snatch his gun.
A 15-year old Ming Pao Daily News school reporter
was also kicked and beaten by the police in Mong Kok.

Sham Yee-lan, Chairperson of Hong Kong Journalists
Association, confirmed that more than 20 cases of assault
on journalists during their duties in the Occupy Central
have been reported.

Many Hong Kong frontline journalists have expressed
their safety concerns.

Hu Liyun, “They have reasons to worry about their safety.

We know that, since Sept. 28, there have been news of
media, journalists, cameramen or photographers being
pushed, attacked, and beaten with batons when there’s
absolutely no need to do so."

Many foreign media correspondents have also been
attacked by Hong Kong Police.
Radio Free Asia reported that a New Zealand reporter
Wang Ning was attacked by three policemen from behind
during the clear out in Mong Kok.

The police pushed him over, pressed his face to the ground,
kicked his legs and generally assaulted Wang.
His injuries were serious enough to require hospitalisation.

Wang spoke out, saying of all the places he visited, never
had the law enforcement treated him so.
He declared that Hong Kong’s chaos has been
caused by the police.

Hu Liyun expresses her regret about the Hong Kong
police behavior.
They do not have a proper understanding of Hong Kong Basic
Law regarding press freedom, freedom of speech, policies
and principles of human rights in China and Hong Kong,
and failed to fulfill duties they should carry out.

Interview/YiRu Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Chen Jianming
