【禁聞】歐巴馬APEC講話 促中國維護人權















採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Obama Urges China to Uphold Human Rights in APEC

U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Beijing on Nov. 10
for his three-day visit to China.

He announced the longest validity visa policy with China,
and reiterated the concern about China ‘s human rights issues.

Obama also expressed that the most critical issue regarding
Hong Kong’s Occupy Central is avoiding violence.

He stressed, the United States would not remain silent
on the human rights issues and HK’s pro-democracy protests.

Obama’s speech at the APEC summit
lasted nearly 20 minutes.

He began with the visa extension for Chinese people
and the cooperation between the U.S. and China.

He also stressed that the U.S. would continue to concern
about China’s human rights, press freedom and other issues,
including China’s market access
and creation of a fair business environment, etc.

Obama hoped that issues regarding the bilateral investment
agreement and the elimination of trade barriers.

He also urged the Chinese authorities to reject
the use of cyber theft for commercial gain

Obama: “We look to China to create a more level playing
field on which foreign companies are treated fairly,
so that they can compete fairly with Chinese companies.…….
We look to China to become an innovative economy
that values the protection of intellectual property rights,
and rejects cyber theft of trade secrets for commercial gain."

As to the Occupy Central movements for HK’s universal
suffrage, Obama said that his priority was to ensure
that violence would be avoided.

He added that the U.S. would not ignore China’s human rights
and the issues regarding Hong Kong.

Obama: “…and yes to stand up for human rights and freedom
of the press.
We don’t suggest these things because they are good for us,
we suggest China do these things for the sake
of sustainable growth in China
and stability in the Asia-Pacific region."

Before Obama’s visit to China, two heavyweights on U.S.
Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee called on Obama
to raise China’s human rights issues
when he met with Xi Jinping.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), ranking member
of the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs
of the Committee on Foreign Relations,
and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), senior senator and chairman
of the Committee, sent a letter to President Obama to express
their concern about the Chinese regime’s authoritarian
control at the expense of human rights and the rule of law.

Commentator Wu Fan: “The Republicans should be quite
dissatisfied with the Chinese regime.
Therefore, prior to Obama’s trip to Beijing this time,
two Republican senators wrote to Obama, asking him
to talk about the issues regarding human rights,
including Hong Kong issues.
Despite the fact that Xi would not follow what the U.S. said,
Obama must touch upon these issues."

In terms of China’s human rights issues, Obama said:
“We don’t expect China to follow an American model
in every instance but we’re going to continue
to have concerns about human rights."

Beijing human rights activist Hu Jia: “I particularly hope that
when Mr. Obama is talking about human rights, he should
know that the restriction on human rights issues in the meeting
itself would have a tremendous impact
on an ordinary Chinese citizen."

Hu Jia, who was under house arrest for 45 days because of this
APEC Summit, used Barack Obama and Xi Jinping
as an example.

Both Barack Obama and Xi Jinping have daughters,
and they can be with their daughters freely.

But only because of his support for the Hong Kong incident,
Hu was placed under house arrest and cannot live
with his daughter.

Hu Jia said that it’s indeed a sharp contrast in China.

Hu Jia: “I live in Beijing.
As to the most common complaints
from Beijing residents…
the main issue in Tianjin area is the heating problem.
They said that heating would affect the air quality;
but last night we saw the tremendous fireworks display
for the APEC meeting.
Whether they referred to them as eco-friendly fireworks
or other kinds of fireworks, I would say that they only
allowed officials to do whatever they want,
but the civilians cannot do anything."

To ensure the success of the APEC meetings, the Chinese
authorities intensified its control over petitioners,
and forbade them from accessing the vicinity
of the APEC venue.

Moreover, some petitioners even received phone calls
from the local petition office, luring them with money
to prevent them from going to Beijing for petition
during APEC meetings.

Hu said that the Chinese regime has employed various tactics
to trample human rights.

Taking him for example, he is no longer suppressed
with the charges of “inciting subversion of state power,"
but the crimes of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble."

Hu added that in a short span of less than two years,
the people being arrested in Beijing has outnumbered
the sum of those who were arrested during rule of the Chinese
Communist Party’s previous leadership over the past decade.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/GuoJing
