【禁聞】國際聚焦港首涉貪 黑材料「從天降」



10月8號,澳大利亞傳媒集團Fairfax Media披露,梁振英於2011年12月與UGL簽約,接受約5000萬港元的秘密款項,以支持UGL和戴德梁行在亞洲業務的回報。這筆款項在前年和去年分兩次匯給了梁振英,那時候梁振英已經是特首,但這兩筆錢都沒有向港府申報。









披露梁振英醜聞的澳洲《悉尼晨報》駐北京記者高西安(John Garnaut)形容,梁的黑材料猶如「從天而降」。他認為現在「任何可以打擊梁振英的資料,都極具新聞價值」。



採訪編輯/李韻 後制/李智遠

International Focus on HK Chief Executive’s Corrupt

Hong Kong Occupy Central remains tense.

Australian media suddenly disclosed H K Chief Executive
Leung Chun-ying received secret payments of about
HK $ 50 million during merger process of Australian
real estate UGL merger one of the big five Australian real estate companies, DTZ.

It received global media attention;
but CCP media kept silent on it.
The investigative reporter said it’s like black stuff from heaven.

Commentators say if the scandal is verified, Leung Chun-ying
has to step down or go to prison..

In the past two weeks, nearly 200 thousand protesters took to
the streets to protest against the controversial electoral reform
proposal of the CCP National People’s Congress (NPC).

Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying came under the
spotlight during this period.
One of the main demands from the protesters is to get Leung
Chun-ying to step down.

October 8, Australian media Fairfax Media disclosed, Leung
Chun-ying had accepted secret payments of about HK $ 50
million in signing with UGL in December 2011 to support the
Asian business return from UGL and DTZ.
This money was remitted to Leung Chun-ying in the previous
year and last year separately when Leung Chun-ying has been
the chief executive.

But he did not declare the money to the Government.

US Wall Street Journal and British Financial Times Chinese
websites all reported Leung Chun-ying is facing scrutiny over
huge payments.

BBC Chinese websites reported it entitled “Hong Kong
political parties request the ICAC investigate Leung Chun-ying’s
secret payments”.

However, the CCP media remained silent on it with no report,
no reponse and no excuse for Leung Chun-ying.

Commentator Tang Jingyuan:"It’s obviously not
by chance that coverage of Leung Chun-ying’s
huge bribe was disclosed by international media at
this highly sensitive period for Hong Kong.
It might be a preemptive strike for Xi Jinping to take Leung
Chun-ying down.
So Jiang faction’s Standing Committee member Liu Yunshan,
in charge of propaganda, needed to block all negative coverage
of Leung Chun-ying. “

CCP mouthpieces including People’s Daily, CCTV and Global
Times successively attacked and slandered Occupy Central;
intimidated demonstrators, and supported Leung Chun-ying
from the start of Occupy Central’s protest.
It also came out that the CCP deputy head of the
National Security Commission, who is also responsible
for Hong Kong and Macau, affairs, Zhang Dejiang
and for Leung Chun-ying’s armed suppression
was prevented by CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Commentator Tang Jingyuan said Zhang Dejiang, who is in
the same camp as Liu Yunshan expected chaos in Hong Kong
if orders for army suppression came from Xi Jinping.

That would be a good opportunity for Jiang faction to seize power.

Tang Jingyuan: “Hong Kong has actually become a gambling
chip between Xi and Jiang’s struggle because Leung Chun-ying
is a mole controlled by Zeng Qinghong of the Jiang faction.

As a front spokesperson for Jiang’s faction in Hong Kong,
Leung Chun-ying had to be agent provocateur
against Occupy Central.

So taking down Leung Chun-ying at least can win Xi Jinping
enough time to take care of the political reform issue. “

But former history Professor in Australia Li Yuanhua believes
the attack on Occupy Central and blocks on reports of Leung
Chun-ying scandal must be collusion between CCP
Communist factions.

Li Yuanhua:"In an authoritarian country, the CCP centralized
all leaders and their experience is only of force and deception.
They don’t want to change the Chief Executive because of
people’s wish but in other forms. “

Australia Sydney Morning Beijing correspondent John Garnaut,
who disclosed Leung Chun-ying scandal said the black material
is like manna from heaven.

He believes that now any information that can blow-up Leung
Chun-ying is highly newsworthy."

China senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming: “they might be
dissatisfied with Leung Chun-ying and Hong Kong issue to
disclose such a shady deal at this moment.

Leung Chun-ying himself is not a good guy to make a fuss
over the Hong Kong issue; to provoke Xi and Li; to suppress Hong
Kong people and the students’ democratic demands and even to
send a lot of underworld thugs to beat up Occupy Central people. “

Zhao Yuanming analyzed Leung Chun-ying’s scandal should
be intentionally discharged by another faction
in the way always used by all CCP factions, to disclose to
overseas media.
Once this bribery is verified,he can only step down
or be imprisoned.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
