【禁聞】中國的「奴工」 德國的工程師(下)




郭居峰的成功,不但令德國人刮目相看,也吸引了德國媒體對法輪功學員的關注。德國《魯爾信息報》曾經兩次大篇幅報導了郭居峰的經歷。隨後德國勞動局又以「郭居峰 又一個新的開始」為標題,報導了他的故事,來激勵當地人和其他移民。


德國多特蒙德的攝影師Peyman Azhari,正在編撰一本叫做《Heimat(故鄉) 132》的相冊。這本旨在編入多特蒙德「北城」社區中,132個不同民族所帶來的多元文化的相冊,也收錄了郭居峰的故事。

攝影師Peyman Azhari:「在這個項目中,我遇到了一位男子,我的一名參與者,他來自中國。現在他試圖告訴人們法輪功是甚麼,在中國的情況如何——如果你想在中國談論你的想法,處境將會十分艱難。」


攝影師Peyman Azhari: 「法輪功是一種包括打坐的、有益身心健康的功法。當你看到有人在公園裡煉法輪功時,你會感到它很平和。我不理解為何要因此把他們投入監獄和勞教所,應當關進這些地方的是罪犯,而不是那些在公園裡打坐的人們。」




採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/肖顏

German Engineer’s Tails of Forced Labor (Part 2)

A slave worker forced to work over 16 hours a day
at a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) labor camp
has become an electrical engineer at a German company.

Today, we’ll continue to tell the story of Guo Jufeng,
a Falun Gong practitioner in Germany.

Guo Jufeng decided to stay in Germany to gain freedom;
to leave the suffering of the CCP’s inhumane persecution.
The sudden change of life abroad is full of difficulties,
with change in language, identity, finance, culture, etc.
Where did he gain the power to persistently face difficulties
and ultimately gain international appreciation?

Guo Jufeng: “On one hand, through practicing Falun Gong
my body recovers quickly; on the other hand, the practice
improves my concentration, making me more focused
with my work and in life."
“Every time I finish practising, I feel my body is full of
positive energy and I can quietly focus on my work."

Guo’s success has gained the German people’s admiration
and attracted media attention on the topic of Falun Gong.
German newspaper Ruhr Nachrichten published two
in-depth reports on Guo’s experiences.
The German Federal Employment Agency also published
a report of Guo’s story to inspire residents and immigrants.

The German WDR television broadcast interviews with Guo
in an immigration program at prime-time on Sept. 6.
On Sept. 13, popular local radio station,
Dortmund 91.2 MHz also reported Guo’s story.

Peyman Azhari, a photographer in Dortmund, Germany,
is working on an album titled “Heimat 132″ that captures
multicultural scenes from 132 ethnicities in Dortmund City;
Guo’s story is included.

Through Guo’s story, German people can deeply empathize
with Falun Gong practitioners who are persecuted in China.
Upon learning the truth, people are really shocked
by the CCP’s dictatorship.

Free from persecution, Guo now lives a happy life
with his family, in a country with democracy and freedom.
But he never forgets that many Falun Gong practitioners
are still being persecuted by the CCP in mainland China.
At least 20 of his friends who’d also practiced Falun Gong
have passed away from suffering persecution.

Guo Jufeng: “I have a friend, Lü Kaili, who was sentenced
to 10 plus years in prison for practicing Falun Gong."
“He’s now served 8 or 9 years, but he’s been paralyzed
for over 4 years from torture."

“The police and prison officers don’t allow lawyers or family
to visit; his family tried to visit 24 times, but were refused."
“His situation is now very critical; I am appealing to
the international community to pay heed to the persecution."

Guo has travelled Europe in recent years, visiting countries
such as Denmark, Italy, Poland and France, to tell people
about the wonders of practising Falun Gong and to raise
awareness about the persecution, with hopes to end it soon.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/XiaoYan
