【禁聞】普京道謝 再掀江澤民賣國醜事










採訪編輯/熊斌 後製/孫寧

Putin Gratitude to China´s Former Leader Jiang Zemin´s Ignites Discussions of Traitorous Scandals.

On May 20, supporters of Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping released a
picture from a meeting between former leader
Jiang Zemin and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The pictures description only mentioned
Putin´s gratitude to Jiang Zemin for his
contribution to China and Russia´s relationship.

It made no mention of Jiang’s speech.

Chinese netizens commented on Jiang selling
off large areas of Chinese territory to Russia.

On May 20, a picture of Jiang Zemin and Vladimir Putin
was released on a microblog for supporters of Xi Jinping.
It was forwarded more than 6000 times,
and attracted the attention of observers.
There was a brief description with the picture.

It stated that Putin thanked Jiang Zemin for his contribution
towards the relationship between China and Russia.

Hua Po, Beijing political observer: “Putin meeting with
Jiang Zemin means that he has a deep concern over the
relationship between the new CCP leaders and Russia.

Now, Russia wants to get help from China
with escalating confrontation with the Ukraine.
He wants to exert influence on CCP
policy, by meeting with Jiang Zemin.”

The English edition of Voice of Russia (VOR) reported
that Putin told Jiang Zemin: “I would like to thank
you again for injecting a strong impetus for China
and Russia relations while you were in office.”
Some analysts suggest another reason
for Putin thanking Jiang´s contribution.
Essentially, Jiang relinquished over 100 million
square kilometers of Chinese territory to Russia.

According to a book written by Jiang Zemin, he
secretly signed the protocol on East and West
sections of the China-Russia Border on December 9,
1999 in Beijing, with Russian President Boris Yeltsin.
The treaty formally recognized 1.6 million
square kilometers of land occupied by Russia
during the Qing Dynasty belongs to Russia.

This is equal to the sum of the three
northeastern provinces, or many Taiwans.

Mr. Wen, Harbin netizen: “Jiang Zemin was traitorous indeed.

It was a national humiliation and will never
be forgotten that all the disputed territory
from the Qing Dynasty was given to Russia.

This happened while Jiang Zemin was in office.

The people were disgusted at him,
because of his poor governing ability!”

On May 20, Xi Jinping and Putin signed a joint statement
for a comprehensive energy partnership in Shanghai.
After 10 years, billions of dollars´ worth of natural gas
transportation finally reached a consensus on May 21.
There were no details about the
agreement released publically.
Previously, it was said that there
was difference for the initial price.
Russia originally intended to sell,
but China wants a lower price.

Hua Po: “Putin is not satisfied because he believes
that China is fishing in troubled waters using Russia.
For example, China maneuvered with Russia to demonstrate
over East China Sea issue with the US and Japan.
However, it lowered the energy prices in this opportunity,
even while knowing that Russia needs money.”

Jiang Zemin´s meeting with Putin exposed his traitorous
actions, and his true identity was again exposed.
Zheng Hongqiang, director for the Mainland office
of a Taiwan newspaper, commented in a microblog.
Putin´s two purposes have been achieved.

Firstly, the territory agreement signed by Jiang Zemin
and Yeltsin is double confirmed to the global community.
Secondly, it was handled by Jiang Zemin and
has nothing to do with Xi Jinping or Hu Jintao.

Interview & Edit/Xong Bin Post-Production/Sun Ning
