【禁聞】紀念五四 北京對學生運動今非昔比


















採訪編輯/唐音 後製/蕭宇

Student Movement: 1919 vs. 1989

While the Chinese Communist Party claimed to commemorate
the 95th Anniversary of May Fourth Movement of 1919,
foreign media noticed the opposite attitudes of the regime
towards student movements before and after coming to power.
Most noteworthy was the suppression and killing of the 1989
student protest against the profiteering and corruption of the regime.

In fact, students continue to be subject to persecution by the
CCP regime during rights defending activities and/or the
denouncement of the CCP and its associated organizations.

Chinese President Xi Jinping was reportedly to visit Peking
University during the Youth Day in commemoration of the 95th
Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.

On May 4, 1989, another student protest was initiated on the
70th Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.
In the name of ‘celebrating the May 4, and pleading for the
people’, students claimed it a ‘New May 4 Movement’.On May 1, NY Times published, “Q & A: Jeffrey Wasserstrom on History, Dissent and the Power of May 4 in China."

In the morning of June 4, 1989, heavily armed soldiers
conducted the mass killing in Tiananmen Square, leaving bullet
holes in Tiananmen Square, including the CCP’s Monument to the
People’s Heroes, which has a frieze showing 1919’s students protest.

Scholars criticize how the CCP had taken advantage and praised
the students’ movement prior to their governing and then
suppressed and murdered the students after coming to power.

Sun Wenguang, former Shandong University professor:
“The CCP is of pragmatism. They utilized the 1919 student
movement to oppose the Northern warlords for establishing its
legitimacy basis. But the 1989 student movement took place after the CCP came
to power. Even though sharing similar slogans, the students were faced
with the tanks. “

Historian Li Yuanhua described what his colleague at Beijing
Normal University had said to him after the 1989 students’ protest:
The University would routinely introduce University history to
the freshmen, in particular, the participation in the 1919 student
movement. After the 1989 massacre, this University history has become a
tough subject for the CCP leaders at the University.

Li Yuanhua: “There is contradiction. The CCP had described a
legitimate government as a dark force, and vice versa.
Opposing the government was to its advantage to usurp the
political power. Under its ruling, any pursuit of democracy or universal values
will only meet its brutal suppression. “

Jeffrey Wasserstrom, a history professor at the University of
California, Irvine, who has studied student protests in China,
said, “It’s hard right now to imagine something like 1989
happening again for various reasons, one of which is simply that
the government has spent a lot of energy over the last 25 years
working to minimize the chances of a replay." He also stated, “I wouldn’t write the May Fourth tradition off completely."

Take the high school students at Shifang, Sichuan as an example.
In early July 2012, hundreds of students protested against the
polluting molybdenum-copper project. Local police repression only led to more participants. The students’ slogan, “We can sacrifice, we are the 1990’s
generations," has won world approval.

Li Yuanhua: “The younger generations have higher capacity to
absorb new things. Their daring courage and vision of the future
have much less concerns. Their passion allows them to become the leaders and the
driving force."

Among more than 100 million Chinese people who quit the CCP,
there are numerous students as well. The CCP has conducted strict arrest and imposed heavy penalties on those who participated in the righteous activities to quit the CCP.

Li Yuanhua: “It is not just the students, but the entire nation
should awaken. The younger generations are able to pass the firewall and obtain
outside information through the Internet, and thus react to the
social trend much quicker. Following the spread of information, more Chinese will break through the CCP’s blockade and awaken."

Ou Fengbiao is a younger generation actively participating in
various democratic movements in China. On May 3 he asked on Twitter: Is the kind of ideals and passion of the May Fourth still seen in the youth nowadays?

One of the 1989 student movement leaders Zhou Fengsuo
responded: “Do not look around. They are still around."

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/XiaoYu
