【禁聞】蘭州飲水苯超標 民眾欲知真正原因


10號下午5點,蘭州市唯一的一家水廠——蘭州威立雅水務集團公司,測出出廠的水「苯」含量高達每升118微克,到11號凌晨2點,已增為每升200微克,是國家規定的安全標準 ——每升10微克的20倍。
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/陳潔 後製/陳建銘

Lanzhou Drinking Water Polluted with Excessive Benzene

For five days, excessive benzene has been detected in Lanzhou’s
drinking water.
However, officials have not given a confirmed explanation
for the pollution.
People hesitate to use the water even though the official claims
the water is clear of all pollutant.

At 17:00 on March 10, Lanzhou water plant of Lanzhou
Veolia Water Company,
found 118 micrograms of benzene per liter of water and 200
micrograms per liter at 2:00 on March 11.
This makes it 20 times the national safety standard,
with 10 micrograms of benzene per liter of water.

Lanzhou municipal government said, the benzene came
from oily wastewater.

According to Wang Jinsheng, local environment task force
member, Lanzhou Petrochemical Co is to blame for the pollution.
The oil leak in the 80s seeped into the ground and has re-emerged
as the aging of retention to the area, polluting the water sources.

However, Lanzhou environmental protection bureau
Yan Zijiang said,
that the oil has leaked through a pipeline of Lanzhou
Petrochemical Co,
contaminating the water supply with
excessive benzene.

The People’s Daily reported that Gansu Provincial Environmental
Protection Bureau,
has identified the water plant pump room cleaning operation,
resulted in the contamination of the water supply.

In addition, China Business said the arbitrary discharges from
chemical companies surrounding the gravity flow
channels, are the cause of excessive benzene.

A Lanzhou restaurant clerk: “We don’t know the exact cause of
the pollution. The media needs to find out for us.
We are the victims. The government should explain to us."

At 13:00 of April 13, benzene levels at Lanzhou Veolia Water Plant
at pumping station one,
had dropped to 2.74 micrograms per liter, and 1.72 micrograms
per liter at pumping station two.
However, local residents are still lining up to pick up water.
Restaurants are also closed due to the water problem.

It is said that the gravity flow channel with excessive benzene is
located near the Lanzhou Petrochemical plant.
This particular channel has supported 90 percent of all drinking water
in Lanzhou for nearly 60 years.

Restaurant clerk: “It affects business, a lot less people will
come to the restaurant.
Now we just use the water no matter if it is poisonous or not,
the government said it is ok.
According to a news report and WeChat, It was said there is a chronic
and cancer causing poison in the water."

Regarding the significant drop of benzene levels in the
last few days,
Chongqing Institute of Food Industry deputy director
Zhou Lingguo pointed out,
benzene elimination depends on the
water’s natural flow.

Zhou Lingguo, Chongqing Institute of Food Industry deputy
director: “The flowing water can dilute it, but the
near static water can not.
The water itself can’t discharge it.
It is a chemical which kills."

Beijing water pollution expert Zhang Junfeng explains some
possible reasons for the sharpl decrease in benzene levels.

Zhang Junfeng, Beijing water pollution expert: “Surely they
have changed the water source or stopped using the polluted sources.
Maybe someone has poured the pollutants in to the water recently.
I don’t think its been there long very long;
otherwise it would have been found long ago.
It’s just temporary or an incident resulting from a plant leak
or personal dumping."

Veolia water company found excessive benzene in the water
At 17:00 of April 10.
However, Lanzhou municipal government did not issue the
warning of not to use the water until 11:00 am of April 11.
That was a delay of 18 hours.

People questioned a smell in the water was reported
on March 10.
The authorities did nothing but arrest the person who complained
about the smell on charges of ‘Internet rumors’.

It is said there were many oil leaks in the Petrochemical
oil pipelines.
On May 2011, Shanghai Oriental Morning Post, reported
about hidden risks of the aged Lanzhou underground oil pipelines.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Chen Jianming
