【禁聞】朝鮮反人類 聯合國欲追究 中共反對









但朝鮮當局斷然否認了聯合國報告提出的指控。 中共外交部發言人華春瑩也在17號表示,中國反對聯合國因人權指控,將朝鮮領導人訴諸國際刑事法庭的任何行動。將人權問題提交國際刑事法院,無助於改善一國人權狀況。




採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/鐘元

CCP Opposed the United Nations’ Investigation on North
Korea against Humanity

UN Human Rights Commission has released an investigation
report about North Korean human rights, which recorded a
large number of appalling human rights violations.

The Human Rights Commission strongly fulminated against
existing large-scale against humanity crimes in North Korea,
and recommended to submit the investigation report to
the international court.
But it was opposed by the Chinese Communist Party, CCP.

The UN Human Rights Commission released the 372 paged
investigation report on 17th February, recording the accusation
testimony of brutal persecution from North Korean authorities
by a Korean escapee, labor camp survivor, more than 320
abductees and other witnesses.

It is by far the most authoritative report about human
rights abuses in North Korean.

The report said that the North Korean people are suffering
“unspeakable atrocities", “No other country can be used as an
analogy to the seriousness of human rights violations, the
extent and nature occurring in North Korea."
The report also stated that the North Korean government tried
to consolidate the regime via political,
religious and ethnic persecution.

Many human rights violations have constituted as
crimes against humanity.
These offenses include human genocide, murder, enslavement,
torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortion,
forced relocation, forced kidnapping, causing famine etc.

According to the “Voice of America", the Commission can only
gather information by interviewing the victims and witnesses
due to the North Korean authorities forbidding them to enter.

After more than the one year investigation, the Commission got
a lot of first-hand testimony, as well as satellite imagery of
supposedly non-existent concentration camps.

Human Rights Watch organization, Amnesty International
also provided video data to the report, including text and
testimony from escapees, former prison guards, prisoners,
military officers and abducted Korean women.

Amnesty International Staff: “The tape contents are some
interviews of the escapees and prisoners."

A former prison guard for political prisoners told the
Investigation Committee: political prisoners in labor camps
are not treated as human beings and will never be released.

Their records have been permanently erased.
They are doomed to be enslaved to death.
We were trained to treat prisoners as the enemy, so we dare
not treat them as human beings.

Washington China expert, former George Mason University
professor Zhang Tianliang: Based on the UN report, the North
Korean people are actually facing a survival crisis not
because of uncontrollable forces like natural disasters but
due to the state terrorism from their own government.

In this case, the international community is obliged to stop
such a humanitarian disaster by all means.

The report called for the UN Security Council to submit the
North Korean human rights issue to the International Criminal
Court (ICC) and investigate related North Korean officials.

In addition, the report also includes a letter to the
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un from the Committee.
The letter warned Kim Jong-un that he will take personal
responsibility for crimes against humanity according to
international criminal law.

But North Korean authorities denied the allegations raised
by the UN report.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying also said
on the 17th that China opposed to send the North Korean
leader to the international criminal court because of
human rights allegations.
It’s no help to improve a country’s human rights situation by
submitting to the International Criminal Court.

The commentators pointed out, comparing to North Korea,
the mainland human rights situation is even worse.
If North Korea is punished, the CCP also played a big part
and that’s why the CCP opposed the World Court
to punish North Korea.

Zhang Tianliang: “The CCP’s human rights persecution
is also very serious.
It’s even worse than North Korea’s in terms of the
ratios because North Korea have a total population of 20 million
and just persecute 2 million people.
In China, with only the Falun Gong practitioners,
there are 100 million people.
So in terms of the human persecution scale, the CCP have
conducted serious crimes against humanity in fact and
are worse than North Korea.
So if the international community can intervene in
North Korea, the CCP can intervene in China in
terms of the law."

The UN Human Rights Council will discuss the investigation
report in Geneva, Switzerland of on 17th March.

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/ZhongYuan
