







去年12月份,中國出口增速已經降到4%,這是因為人民幣升值後生產成本也相應提高。如,近來的報告顯示,在天津生產空中客車(Airbus) A320飛機的成本,比在法國圖盧茲(Toulouse)的成本還要高出10%。











採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Wall Street Journal: Chinese Regimes Currency Firewall Failing

China’s crawling peg currency to the US Dollar, and it’s
closed capital account, is believed to have been created
to provide a line of defense to reversals in capital flows.

However, this artificially constructed currency
firewall has revealed it’s fragility as a destination for
“hot money” playing the yuan currency carry trade.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) released an
article analyzing China’s closed financial system.
It considers that it was designed to
guard against short-term foreign capital.

However, China’s renewed popularity as a destination
for “hot money” is playing the yuan currency carry trade,
and has exposed its vulnerabilities and lack of effectiveness.

The WSJ reported that, according to claims, Hong Kong
banks have on mainland counterparts give an approximation
of the size of these yield-seeking structured products.

As of October, those claims were a record HK$2.3 trillion
($295 billion), up 53% since the end of 2012.

Ren Zhongdao, Financial Analyst: “Money shortages
create the opportunity for currency carry trade.
Inter-bank lending rates are high, at 5 or 6%, while the
Federal Reserve keeps interest rates at 0.2 to 0.25.

This creates a huge difference in interest rates.”

Financial analyst Ren Zhongdao
explains that hot money pursues profit.
This is at the cost of creating financial bubbles
in China, especially that of a property bubble.

Recent data in December last year showed
that property prices in Beijing and other Chinese
cities had grown 20% year on year, reported WSJ.

There are other vulnerabilities too, exposed by
China’s renewed popularity as a destination for
“hot money” playing the yuan currency carry trade.

At the moment, China’s currency policy twinned with
its bubbly property market appears highly fragile.
You have an economy where prices are
now not just making property unaffordable.
They are making manufacturing uncompetitive and
diverting retail spending overseas, reported the WSJ.

China’s export sector already slowed
to a 4% growth in December.
This was because of high production
costs as the yuan appreciated.

The WSJ said that recent reports suggested
it now costs 10% more to produce the Airbus
A320 in Tianjing than it does in Toulouse.

In January, China’s services-sector
growth has slumped to a five-year low.

WSJ also reported that Chinese are substituting
domestic spending for that overseas.
This comes after years of inflation
and assorted domestic taxes in China.

Statistics show that China’s expenditure on
overseas travel reached US$102 billion in 2012.
Around Christmas 2013, and New Year 2014, the
average Chinese consumer spent £1,400 per transaction.
Many Chinese consumers would wait in the bitter
cold for 10 hours, to grab their favorite products.
During the week-long Chinese New Year holiday,
Hong Kong received more than 8 million tourists.
Macau more than 2.7 million people, many
of whom are mainland Chinese tourists.

WSJ questioned how much of this travel is shopping
arbitrage simply due to an overvalued currency.

It is therefore expected that the level of the yuan will
come sharply into focus, when it starts to show up
in deterioration in China’s balance of payments.

Professor Xie Tian, School of Business, University
of South Carolina Aiken, indicates that the regime
has created a dual RMB pricing systems.

One is the domestic system, and
the other is the international system.
It is based on its restriction measures on international
exchange rates, currency rates, as well as import & export.

Ren Zhongdao analyzes the dual RMB pricing systems
was created because China Central Bank issues relevant
RMB cashes according to the earnings of Chinese exports.

Ren Zhongdao: “An extra 28 trillion yuan into the market
is destined to lead to serious devaluation domestically.”

Professor Xie Tian: “Appreciation internationally
coupled with depreciation domestically only leads
to negative consequences with Chinese inflation.

It is, in fact, the government hijacking people’s wealth.”

Professor Xie indicates that this profit is exactly
what those with vested interests, as well as those
privileged in the regime, have always relied on.

WSJ concludes that, at some stage, it looks inevitable
that prices in China will need a big adjustment.
The question is whether it will come through the
exchange rate or from sharp domestic deflation.

Interview /Yiru Edit/Songfeng Post-Production/Xiaoyu
