【禁聞】杜斌被失蹤38天 彰顯中共最怕









杜斌:「他們也說了,把你送進去之後 ,也可以嚐嚐牙刷的味道。他們把我送進去之前,武警端著槍,我還回頭跟他們說了一句,再見,謝謝你們!其中的一個國保總隊的,來抓我的一個人就笑了,哈哈哈,你聽,他還說再見呢!還能再見嗎!這句話讓我很難過,我想了,我做的事情,都攤在陽光下,沒有甚麼隱私。即使他們把我抓進看守所。」




時事評論司馬泰指出,中共對法輪功長達的14年的殘酷迫害,靠得就是掩蓋真相。目前 中共最怕「真相的曝光」。




採訪/易如 編輯/常春 後製/陳建銘

Du Bin Disappeared 38 Days because China’s Regime Panicked

Du Bin, one month ago, Chinese journalist and film-maker
suddenly disappeared from Beijing for 38 days.
Now, Du was released on bail, pending a trial.
How did Du spend these 38 days?
What has he been through in those 38 days?
What is the reason for Du’s “forced disappearance"?
Let take a look.

Du Bin produced documentary film,
“Women above Ghosts’Head".
Du was missing from May until 9th June,
then some news was revealed.
It was said that Beijing police had detained him
in Fengtai Detention centre in Beijing.
Du was accused of publishing illegal materials.

On 8th July, Du Bin was released on bail.

The documentary film “Women above Ghosts’Head"
was released in Hong Kong on 1st May.
The film is about torture and slave labor work occurring on
Falun Gong practitioners and petitioners at China’s Masanjia
Women’s Labor Camp in Shenyang city, Liaoning province.
After the film was released, it drew public attention.

People demanded to abandon the labor camp
re-education system in China.

Du Bin spent 8 years to write the book"Tiananmen Massacre",
which was also released in Hong Kong before 4th June.
The book shows the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s
killing record and pictures.
Du Bin said that the CCP wasn’t qualified to
redress June 4 tragedy.

On 10th July, Du Bin was interviewed by NTD.

Du said that the authorities accused him
of"disrupting social order".
He said it was actually related to his production.

Du Bin:"Their attitude is very strict.

They thought they could use common practice to treat me,
But they never knew that I had met many people,
who live a miserable life, I can take this hardship.

The police recorded the interview which took 16 hours."

Du Bin also revealed that the police’s notes have
spelling mistakes, he didn’t sign the paper.
The police were very unhappy,
they intended to lie saying that Du refused to sign,
but the lies were laid bare by Du.

Du Bin:"The police said, to throw you inside prison,
you can experience the toothbrush’s taste (a torture method).
Before they sent me to prison, a police officer
standing there held gun.
I said to them, good bye, thank you! One of them laughed
and said to the others, he said good bye, can he?
I was sad to hear that, I think, everything I have done
is open, I have nothing to hide.
They even held me in a detention center."

The Chinese edition of The New York Times reported that

in recent years, Du has published several books
overseas that criticize the CCP.
It included a book of Falun Gong practitioners,
who were brutally tortured.

Du Bin: “The police also questioned me about
what I said on the Sound of Hope and Shitao’s program
about the discussion of the book,’Tiananmen Massacre’.
They printed out the related article.
In addition, they questioned me about Li Zhen’s article
published in the Epoch Times.
Li mentioned about my book’s printing issue.

The police asked me to sign the two articles and asked,
if I had said that? I admitted to it.
Then they asked, whether the person mentioned,
in the article was myself? I confirmed it’s me.
This might have been used as evidence by the police
to accuse me of ‘disturbing social order’."

Why has the CCP panicked so much and are afraid of
Du being interviewed by foreign independent media?

Sima Tai, current affairs commentator said that the CCP
the brutal persecution of Falun Gong has lasted 14 years.
They relied on lies and covering up the truth.
The CCP are now afraid of the truth being exposed.

Sima Tai:"The entire persecution relies on lies,
inciting haters, they have done a lot of bad things.
The bloody-debted faction or Political and Legislative
Commission dare not to let these things be exposed.
If civilians knew that Falun Gong practitioners
were brutally tortured in prison,
more severely than the CCP’s propaganda film-
Zhazi Cave, the civilians would not stand for it."

On July 8, Du Bin was bailed after 38 days in detention.

Du revealed that the CCP told him he must be available
for further questioning at any point over the next year.
Police warned Du that they can send him back to
the detention center at any time.

However, Du said that even in the detention centre, he still
maintained an optimistic attitude, that will never change.
