【禁聞】中共軍方提擱置釣魚島爭議 日否定




但,日本內閣官房長官 菅義偉回應說﹕日本並沒有與中國達成「擱置或者維持現狀」的協議,根本不存在應該擱置的問題。











採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鍾元

Leave Diaoyu Islands Disputes?

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Deputy Chief of
Staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Qi Jianguo,
said at a recent security conference in Singapore that

East China Sea, South China Sea and
Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands issues can’t be resolved.
He felt that disputes should be shelved and
left to future generations.
Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Jian Yiwei responded:
“The issue should not be shelved."
Six months ago, the CCP carried out a campaign
on air and sea to the Diaoyu Islands.
Due to the issue of sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands,
a war is imminent between China and Japan.
Now all of a sudden, why does the CCP want to step aside
from the dispute? Let’s look at expert analysis:

On June 2, PLA Deputy Chief of Staff Qi Jianguo said that
territorial disputes between China and other countries,
including the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands issue,
can be shelved, left to the future generations.
Qi Jianguo has come up with similar remarks from
Deng Xiaoping as a footnote.

According to the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping,
3rd volume, in 1978, Deng Xiaoping visited Japan.
When a reporter asked about the Diaoyu Islands issue,
Deng said the question can be put aside, leaving it to future generations.

However, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary,
Jian Yiwei, said that
Japan did not reach an agreement with China on holding or
maintaining the status quo so the issue should not be shelved.

Six months ago, the CCP responded fiercely on the Diaoyu
Islands issue, inciting various civil demonstrations and protests.
The military and the media intensively made up public opinions,
giving the impression that a Sino-Japanese war was imminent.

Political critic Lan Shu said, the CCP was in the process
of changing shifts.
So the fighting between factions was extremely fierce
to win the support of the hawks within the army.
The fifth-generation core had to make
a gesture towards battle.

Lan Shu: “After the succession of the fifth generation,
they controlled the army.
The crisis of power changes had gone, so it returned
to considerations on interests, hoping to maintain a stable relationship with Japan.
Under the current economic situation,
it is good for the CCP to solve its economic problems."

A freelance writer Liu Yiming in China believes that
Qi Jianguo is a representative of the official position.
Liu Yiming said that the CCP brutally suppresses their
compatriots domestically, but is weak to outside forces.
It is the CCP’s real thoughts to leave the Diaoyu Islands
disputes to the next generation.

A freelance writer Liu Yiming in China:
“Now there are many problems in China.
The CCP are very worried that with a war started against
Japan, there is no way to settle both sides.
One is that there is no way to win the war, and
the other is that there may be civil unrest in China."

Lan Shu: “Japan has seen through the CCP. In diplomacy,
the CCP is in distress in the surrounding area and Pacific region.
In domestic affairs, the CCP faces fierce conflicts with citizens;

To maintain its own stability, it had to make some
concessions. But Japan wants to resolve it now."

Lan Shu analyzed that in the Cultural Revolution, the CCP
had dragged China’s economy to the edge of destruction.
To extend the rule of the CCP, the second-generation
of Communist leaders led by Deng Xiaoping urgently
needed foreign capital to rescue the Chinese economy,
providing weight to legitimize the power of the CCP.
So the CCP eagerly expressed that they did not care
about the Diaoyu Islands.

In the early 1950s, the CCP had just come to power,
and needed peripheral stability.
The Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai made direct
statements that the Diaoyu Islands belonged to Japan.

Lan Shu said, the CCP declared its position on Diaoyu Islands,
and it had no difference from the previous generations.
The territorial issues are still weights for
the CCP to maintain stability.
When the CCP wants to divert domestic attention,
it can play with territorial issues at any time.
When it needs foreign support or stability in surrounding
areas, the CCP won’t hesitate to abandon national territories.

At the end of 1999, the former CCP leader Jiang Zemin
and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a secret Sino-Russian comprehensive border treaty,
giving the 1.44 million sq. km. of Chinese territory
away to Russia.
The treaty signing was only reported briefly in
the mouthpiece media People’s Daily.
It did not mention the contents of the treaty,
which is suspected to have some inside trading.
