【禁聞】大陸強姦幼女案 處罰因人而異










藍述:「他的腐敗在於,它也去走司法程序,但是走出來的程序最後的效果就是這個人沒事。 大部分情況是:公安局、法院、檢察機構做做樣子,做到最後不了了之,證據不足或者是怎麼樣,或者找一個其他的理由。最後這個事情就不了了之了。」





採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/葛雷

Lesser Punishments For Sexual Abusers Of Young Girls In Mainland China

Sexual abuse has become a great concern in Mainland China,

since the case of an elementary school principle in Hainan
who booked rooms in hotel with school girls.
Many vicious child sexual abuse incidents have been revealed,
provoking outrage and condemnation in society.
Under Chinese law, some officials who committed sex crimes
should have been given life imprison or the death penalty.
However, they had lenient sentences of “indecent assault”
or “Crime of Whoring with a Girl under the Age of 14”.
The child victims couldn’t heal their mind and body injuries.

In the past few days, cases of children being sexually abused
by elementary school teachers and principles have frequently
been revealed on the internet, causing great panic to the parents.

On May 24th, the news was that Menchenggou Village
elementary school teacher Yang Sifu in Henan province sexually abused 16 students,
nine of whom were confirmed by the hospital
to have ruptured hymens.
But on May 26th, Yang was only put in criminal detention
in suspicion of “indecent assault”.

On May 23rd, Guangzhou police said that Wuliao Village
elementary school principle Deng Zhenbo in Guangdong
province was fired and detained for raping two girls in the
sixth grade multiple times while pretending to tutor them.

On May 15th, Anhui official bulletin revealed that Tianming
elementary school principle in Qianshan county had sexually assaulted nine girls for 12 years.
The youngest victim was only six. He is now held on
suspicion of “raping and child molestation.”

A Mainland Chinese grassroots educator reveals that cases of
teachers and principles raping and assaulting girls are common in Mainland China.
And the situation is getting even worse.

“Crime of Whoring with a Girl under the Age of 14” has been
the biggest controversy in legal circles in the last 20 years.
It is also the best shield for abusers of young girls, because
this charge carries sentences only up to 15 years.
Most officials who raped young girls were sentenced for
“indecent assault” and “Crime of Whoring with a Girl under the Age of 14”.

Political commentator Lan Shu: “The biggest reason behind
it is the whole society’s culture and morality is corrupted
after the CCP culture based on atheism came.
Another reason is that the CCP holds power over
the judicial process.
After politics were corrupted, its extreme power brought
extreme corruption.
This led to the whole of Chinese society』s morality
and culture corruption.”

Some commentators think that giving criminals lenient
sentences is a major reason leading to more sexual assault
cases on young girls nowadays.
For example, a Xinjiang educator sexually assaulted 10 girls,
and an official in Yongcheng county raped over 10 students.
Based on criminal law act 236, people who are sentenced to
“raping young children” should be sentenced life imprisonment or the death penalty.
However, those officials have just been temporarily detained.
The cases are not moving on.

Lan Shu: “The corruption is that through the judicial process,
the criminal is after all totally fine.
In most of the cases, the police, courts, and prosecutors
don’t do their jobs responsibly.
They would say that there’s not enough evidence or so.
And the cases end up with nothing definite.”

According to China Women’s Federation, there were 135
complaints of child sexual abuse in 1997.
There were over 3000 complaints in 2000.
The number increased 20 times in 3 years.

Jiangsu Southeast University Law Professor Zhang Zanning:
“It’s mainly an issue of the system.
The law in our country is fine.
The problem is the execution of the law.
Most of the times, crime of rape became indecent assault
in officials’ cases.
However, the ordinary people are not that lucky.
It shows the characteristics of the crony capitalist system.”

A 16-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl
fell in love and lived together.
The boy was sentenced for the crime of rape
without any parent involved in the case.
When people questioned the sentence, Guangdong Supreme
Court answered that the girl was younger than 14.
No matter if she was willing or not to have sex,
the boy should be charged with the crime of rape.

Chinese netizens sighed and said “Sure enough,
Chinese law is different towards different people.”
