
【新唐人2013年05月23日訊】江澤民「擁抱照」再現 網友稱噁心




兩維權律師 廣西北海法院外絕食





桂林村民掀翻警車 擊退防暴隊



江西城管強拆 逾百村民打砸城管辦







A Photo of Jiang Zemin Found Disgusting by Chinese Netizens

A photo of Jiang Zemin, former Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) leader was taken in December, 1999.
Jiang was meeting with former Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

The image of Jiang’s hugging has aroused disgust, mocking
and reviling from Chinese netizens.

A netizen sneered that Jiang’s hugging was unusually
flirtatious, even with a shy smile.
Clearly Jiang’s pose made Yeltsin feel very embarrassed.

Another netizen commented that it was Jiang’s
act of coquetry in front of his “real father".
“Disgusting !"is the reaction of most of the netizens.

Two Lawyers Stage Hunger Strike Outside Court In Guangxi

On May 22nd two civil rights lawyers, Yang Jinzhu and Wu Lei,
staged a 24-hour hunger strike at a court in Beihai, Guangxi.
They did this for “safeguarding inviolable right to
present a defense".

On May 21st the two lawyers defended a client in Guangxi.

Lawyer Wu Lei asked the presiding judge to
observe the law and check up on the facts.
He was thus accused of disturbing court order,
and disobeying the chief judge’s commands.
The chief judge barred him from presenting a defense,
and forcibly drove lawyer Wu out of the court.

Lawyer Yang Jinzhu strongly protested
at the chief judge’s acts.
He warned that this had been suspected of a serious offense.
Finally, lawyer Yang was also forcibly evicted from the court.

Outbreak Of Clashes Between Villagers And Police In Guangxi

On May 21st clashes broke out in Pingle county, Guangxi,
between local villagers and the police.
Many villagers and police were wounded,
one was seriously injured.

Molihua.org reported that on May 21st at 11am, the local
electricity board cut off the electricity supply to a village.
The act was protested at by the villagers. Dozens of
SWAT police with dogs, arrived at the scene.
Two villagers got bitten, which triggered violent clashes.

The villagers overturned one police car, smashed an
ambulance, and beat off the police.

At midnight of May 20th in Ruichang, Jiangxi province,
about 100 armed urban management officers broke into a villager』s house under construction.
The intruders seized the villager’s tractor,
while their dogs mauled villagers surrounding them.
Several villagers were wounded, six of them were
hospitalized with serious injuries.

On May 21th over 100 villagers protested outside
the office building of local Urban Management Bureau.
Nearly 200 ranger police were sent to the scene.

Radio Free Asia reported that inside the building,
the villagers asked an explanation from a deputy director who was in charge of the forced demolition.
Yet the official failed to respond. This outraged the villagers,
who thus rushed into the offices and destroyed them.

The deputy director suffered minor injuries,
the other leaders all fled from the office building.

The protest continued into the evening.
