【禁聞】下單訂購心臟 西方社會界限在哪?

【新唐人2013年04月02日訊】德國《時代週報》(Die Zeit)3月7號刊登文章「下單訂購心臟」(Herz auf Bestellung)。文章說,爲了保證一個人的生命延長,另一個人必須按照合同死亡,這聼起來聳人聽聞的事情,就在現代的中國持續發生著,處於權力中心的高官們心知肚明,但老百姓卻被蒙在鼓裏。同時,文章質疑:在血腥利益鏈誘惑下的西方社會,如果不願意沾染血跡,界限到底在哪裏?












澳洲布里斯本(Brisbane)亞歷山大公主醫院(Princess Alexandra Hospital)的主任醫師Stephen Lynch,要求接受培訓的應徵者保證:「凡經過亞歷山大公主醫院培訓出來的醫療技術,不得用於使用死刑犯器官的移植醫療中心」。而史提克利玆的以色利醫生拉維,則推動醫藥保險補償改革。自從相關法令生效以後,再沒有任何以色列人為了移植手術而飛往中國。

採訪/朱智善 編輯/尚燕 後製/蕭宇

Further Evidence of Chinese Transplants Using Killed to Order Organs

The weekly German newspaper Die Zeit published
an article on March 7, entitled “Custom-Ordered Heart”.
The article discussed the story of prisoner who, despite his
case being considered for review, was executed on time.
This was according to a contract, in
order to prolong another person’s life.
Although this sounds horrific, this has continued in China.

The powerful Chinese Communist Party(CCP) officials
know the truth clearly, while hiding it from the public.
The article questions whether the West can, with financial
temptation, create a boundary to separate itself from
involvement in China’s organ harvesting transplants?

This article quoted Beijing lawyer Han Bing’s microblog post.

Han disclosed that a death row prisoner
had been quickly executed in a hospital.
Yet a few days ago, the supreme court had informed
the prisoner that his case would be reviewed.
Han Bing said that obviously, the
executors could not wait any longer.
This was because the mans organs
were being awaited for transplantation.
Before the execution, the prisoner was forced to
sign a contract to donate his organs “voluntarily”.

Li Xiangyang, legal volunteer: “Lots of executed prisoners
have their organs removed, without their prior consent.
This has been well known in China, where vast
numbers of transplant organs are illegally acquired.
To be exact, organ acquisitions come from murders.”

The article mentioned Mordechai Shtiglits, an Israeli
patient who received his heart transplant in China.
It is real life proof that Chinese doctors
can “forecast the death of an organ donor”.

Shtiglits had been on the organ transplant
waiting list for a long time, before his trip to China.
Yet, a week after his arrival in China, he was
informed that he would get his new heart the next day.
The doctor vaguely hinted that the organ donor
was a 22-year-old traffic accident victim.

The question is, how the doctor knew in advance
that a 22-year-old man would die the next day,
and without damaging his heart?
How did the doctor know that the young victim
would be a blood and tissue match for Shtiglits?

Dr. Wang Wenyi, Pathologist, Mount Sinai Hospital:
“He really knows beforehand on the day when he
will do the surgery, and there will be a heart available.
That is, he knows in advance in
which day someone will surely die.
This can only be possible in China, where the authorities
have claimed the organs come from executed prisoners.
The organs are taken from Falun Gong practitioners,
the truth of which have been unveiled in recent years.
The CCP authorities have murdered these
persons, for the purpose of getting their organs.”

The article said that western hospitals and physicians
provide technical support for Chinese transplant centers.
Pharmaceutical companies supply
China with anti-rejection drugs.
Western advisers offer consultation to Chinese authorities,
pretending to promote transplant surgery innovation.
In truth, they are pursuing business interests in China.

Vehicles imported from the West have been converted
into mobile execution vans, in which organs are removed.

Western adviser to the Chinese government pretend to
promote the change in transplant surgery, while pursuing business interests in China.

Xing Tianxing, critic: “Although those who are involved
haven’t directly harvested organs, facing this great sin,
they have chosen to keep silent to pursue self interest.
I think this is really a shame in terms of human conscience.”

Xing Tianxing adds that organ harvesting is by
no means only limited to Falun Gong practitioners.
It is actually a challenge against human values.

Xing Tianxing: “Falun Gong practitioners
have continued to appeal to the international
community to help stop the CCP’s atrocities.
This is by no means limited to a persecution
against Falun Gong practitioners.
It’s in fact against human conscience and
human nature; a devastating act by the CCP.”

In reality, there are Western hospitals
and doctors that refuse to enter this field.

Reportedly, Stephen Lynch, chief physician at the
Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, requires a
written assurance from physician applicants for training.
It said, “Medical technology acquisition from the Princess
Alexandra Hospital shall not be applied to transplants
that use executed prisoners as organ donors."
Jacob Lavee, the Israeli doctor of Mordechai Shtiglits,
pushed for reform in banning reimbursement
of health insurance for transplants done abroad.
Since new Israeli laws on transplant came into force in 2008,
no more Israeli patients have flown to China for transplants.
