【禁聞】中共封殺瑞典小鎮 因鎮名叫「FALUN」


據外媒報導,一家總部設在中國的全球性公司,每次接受瑞典某客戶的文件時,網路鏈接總會中斷一小時左右,連續幾個星期的挫折後,公司負責人伯格曼先生終於發現,這個瑞典客戶的文件中,包含著瑞典小鎮「FALUN」的名字,恰好與中共網路長城封殺的首要目標「法輪功」(FALUN GONG)同名,因此遭到牽連,被中國網路審查過濾器所阻攔。



但伯格曼依然決定關閉中國的公司(Diakrit),把業務轉移到了泰國,理由是泰國的網路迅速可靠,而且能夠連接到社交媒體臉書(FACEBOOK)和推特(TWITTER ),這對他的公司幫助極大,而他再也不會為頻頻遭遇的互聯網困境而煩惱了。



中國網路封鎖的範圍包括:大部分知名海外博客、視頻運營商如YouTube,還有世界著名社交網站FACEBOOK 、TWITTER、MySpace等。另外,還有許多國際主流媒體,包括英國BBC、美國之音、德國之聲、法廣、澳廣、加拿大廣播電臺等新聞機構的中文網站。另外還有香港《蘋果日報》、台灣《自由時報》、和《大紀元時報》等等,都遭到中共屏蔽。

陝西網民李女士:「這個防火牆可悲在哪裏呢﹖它阻礙了中國高科技的發展和交流,與世界的發展和交流,還阻礙了中華文化的傳播和交流。好多高科技這些人才那都是在社交網站上都是用FACEBOOK 、TWITTER這些來交流,因為非常快嘛,可是在中國社交網站被屏蔽,你就跟國際社會沒有社交,你怎麼交流啊?」




採訪/陳漢 編輯/張天宇 後製/鍾元

The Great Firewall: Impediment in Doing Business with China?

China has two “great walls” – the Great Wall,
and the Great Firewall.
Both are among the world’s “greatest,”
nevertheless in different ways.
The Great Wall was built as a defense against enemies,
while the Great Firewall is like a prison wall;
it restricts the freedom of people inside, putting them under
surveillance and blocking them from knowing the real world.
Recent example is the name of a Swedish town, frequently
blocked in its business operations with China by the Great Firewall, as it is spelled like “Falun.”

As reported recently by some non-Chinese media,
a global corporation with headquarters in China,
found out that it had always lost Internet connection
for about an hour when receiving files from a Swedish client.
After being frustrated for weeks, the firm’s director
Mr. Bergman finally figured out the problem.
The transferred files from the client have the word “Falun”
in their name, which refers to a Swedish town.
“Falun” happens to be spelled the same way
as the sensitive for the regime “Falun Gong.”
The latter is a key target for blocking by the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party,) thus the client became a “victim” of CCP’s Great Firewall.

Xing Tianxing, political commentator: ”In China,
the CCP regards Falun Gong as its greatest enemy.
Therefore the Great Firewall filters any words or terms
that are close to Falun Gong in the most strict manner.
This story again teaches the foreigners how ridiculous
China’s Internet censorship can be.”

After figuring out the problem, Mr. Bergman asked
the client to rename the files before sending them out.
As expected, the files were transferred
without a problem since then.

Despite that, Mr. Bergman decided to close his business
in China and moved the firm (Diakrit) to Thailand instead.
The reason is that Thailand’s Internet is much faster
and more reliable, and the company can connect to Facebook and Twitter there.
This was of a great help to his business and there are no more
worries about frequent troubles from Internet censorship.

Xing Tianxing: ”This story reflects one aspect
of China’s future in economic development.
Primary goal of Internet censorship is to block information,
especially from foreign websites that the CCP doesn’t want Chinese to know.
In other words it tries to deceive Chinese people
by blocking anything that reveals truths about China.
However, at the same time this is truly impeding
the development of China’s economy.
The block is like cutting us off
from the outside world.
It functions as an impediment to all the businesses in China.
Therefore we see companies moving to other countries.”

A research report by Harvard Law School and Cambridge
University stated that China’s Internet censorship system is the most developed in the world.
Its operation involves a considerable number of state
agencies and tens of thousands of employees working for either the government or a company.

The websites blocked by China’s Great Firewall include
most famous overseas blog sites and video-sharing sites.
Like for example Youtube, the famous social networks
Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc..
The Chinese websites of many major international media
are also blocked, including BBC, VOA, Deutsche Welle, RFI, ABC Radio Australia, among others.
Websites of newspapers such as the Hong Kong-based
Apple Daily, the Taiwan-based Liberty Times, and the Epoch Times are also on the black list.

Ms. Li, netizen from Shaanxi province: ”The Great Firewall
is pathetic as it hinders the development of our high-tech and communications with the global community.
It is also a barrier of introducing our culture to the world.

Many hi-tech professionals use the convenience
of Facebook or Twitter to communicate with each other.
But these social networks are blocked in China.
How can we connect with the world in such a case?”

As the CCP tightens its Internet blocking and censorship,
more Chinese netizens are expressing their grudge against the system.

Ms. Li: “Fang Binxing, head of Beijing University Posts
and Telecommunications, is dubbed ‘Father of China’s Great Firewall’.
Tens of thousands of netizens commented ‘Get out!’,
following his Chinese new year message.
This shows how much against the ‘wall’
the Chinese people feel.
What we think is that we want to overturn the wall,
we want to breathe freely, we want to free our minds, and we don’t want to be enslaved any more.
That ‘Get Out’ truly shows our longing for freedom
as netizens and as Chinese.”

Ms. Li believes, CCP’s Internet censorship only exposes
its dictatorship, guilt and inner weaknesses.
On the other hand, its existence helps the world know more
about how CCP hides the truth of its persecution of people.
Li concludes that the CCP’s lies will finally be exposed,
and then it will have to pay for all its evil doings.
