【新唐人2013年01月17日訊】 (美国之音電)
- 學個詞-1684-forefront
今天我們要學的詞是forefront。Forefront指最前列,最前沿,通常用在短語at the forefront of something, 指處於最活躍,最重要的位置。第85界奧斯卡獎提名名單出爐,Films for broader and family audiences are at the forefront of the war for this year’s Oscars. 適合大眾和家庭觀賞的電影是今年奧斯卡之戰的奪魁熱門。The state of Florida is at the forefront of Internet-based higher education in the U.S.. 佛羅里達是美國網上高等教育發展最蓬勃的州。Gun control is at the political forefront in the aftermath of the deadly school shooting in Connecticut.美國康涅狄克州發生致命校園槍擊案之後,槍支管制問題被推上了風口浪尖。好的,今天我們學習的詞是forefront, forefront, forefront…
本文網址: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2013/01/17/a832327.html