【新唐人2013年01月10日訊】 (美国之音電)
- 學個詞-1677-unstoppable
今天我們要學的詞是 unstoppable。Unstoppable 無法阻擋的。The Washington Redskins have won 7 games in a row. They’re unstoppable. 華盛頓美式足球紅人隊連贏七場比賽,勢不可擋。Ever since the introduction of Apple’s iPad in 2010, tablets have been enjoying seemingly unstoppable growth. 自從2010年蘋果首先推出iPad以來,平板電腦的發展突飛猛進。In the last few years, the acceptance of gay rights in America has been seemingly unstoppable. 過去幾年裡,美國社會對同性戀權利的認可程度看起來勢不可擋。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable….
本文網址: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2013/01/11/a828859.html