【新唐人2012年12月27日訊】 (美国之音電)
- 學個詞-1666-withdraw
今天我們要學的詞是 withdraw。To withdraw 意思是撤離,退出。Britain will withdraw half of its troops from Afghanistan over the next two years. 英國在今後兩年內,會撤走在阿富汗的一半駐軍。U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice withdrew from consideration to be the next Secretary of State. 美國常駐聯合國大使蘇珊.賴斯退出了美國國務卿一職的角逐。Samsung will withdraw a lawsuit against Apple’s use of its technology in Europe. 三星公司撤銷了在歐洲控告蘋果侵權使用其技術的一項訴訟案。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 withdraw, withdraw, withdraw…
本文網址: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2012/12/28/a821597.html