【禁聞】官方擴在押人投訴試點 被批作秀








張卉:「第一, 主管機關這些人的權力意識非常強大。然後,民眾的權益意識又非常的淡薄。所以就造成,當出現問題的時候,首先想到的不是找法律,而是找人。」





採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/朱娣

‘Just for Show’: Authorities Expand Complaints Procedure for Detention Centre Detainees

Frequent incidents of mysterious deaths occur inside China’s
detention centers, revealing a darkness behind the scenes.
Recently Chinese officials declared that it would expand the
scope of the pilot complaint handling mechanism for detainees.
This was stated to help curb torture. But this initiative
is not appreciated, but rather, it was seen as simply a show.
Commentators point out that China is does not lack laws and
regulations, but rather the respect and implementation of them.

According to China’s Beijing Times, in March 2011, a pilot
program for a detainee complaint handling mechanism began.
It will be extended in October to four places:
Wuzhong City, Ningxia Province,
Beilun District of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province,
Wuhu County and Nanling County of Anhui Province.
This is the second phase of the project.

The official declaration states that detainees
are encouraged to file complaints.
External observers, including lawyers
can be involved in overseeing it.

Independent commentator Xing Tianhang spoke to NTD.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s
political and legal system is very dark and corrupt.
Many facts were exposed in recent years.

This includes incidents of mysterious deaths
at labor camps and detention centers.
The public is very dissatisfied with it.

Many hope the CCP 18th Congress will see
the removal of the Politics and Law Committee from the Politburo Standing Committee.

Xing Tianhang: “For some sensitive cases,
lawyers cannot even meet their clients in custody.
What’s the point of this initiative?

It is just a show by the political and law system, which
is trying to feign improvement before they are removed.”

Lawyer Zhang Hui in China also pointed out
that China does not lack laws and regulations.

Zhang Hui: “China’s lack of respect for the law
and law enforcement is what is missing.
On the surface, it is an initiative for improvement,
but I am not sure whether it will bring practical effects."

Zhang Hui said that although China has clear legal provisions
on custody times, extended detention is a very serious problem.

Zhang Hui: “First, the authorities are very powerful.
Secondly, people’s awareness of what is right is weak.
Where there are issues, people will go
through networking, rather than relying on law.”

Cheng Lei, associate professor of Renmin University’s China
Litigation System and Judicial Reform Center,
visited detention centers in Guangdong,
Zhejiang and Henan areas.
He found out in his research that detainees generally dare not
file complaints, fearing the risk or thinking it will be useless.
A municipal level detention center has hundreds of people,
with only about 10 complaints each year, which is unusual.

Minghui.net reported about a Beijing Falun Gong practitioner.

Liu Guifu was kidnapped and sent to the Beijing
Haidian District Detention Center in February 2001.
The police beat her, causing scars all over her body,
fecal incontinence, a ruptured eardrum, and swollen abdomen.
The prison doctor ordered Liu to be given unknown drugs.
Head prisoners mistakenly thought it was good for digestion.
She took 10 tablets and felt dizziness and breathing difficulties
soon afterwards, and hurried to seek medical attention.
Later, Liu was sent a labor camp. She was subjected
to beatings, torture and deprivation of sleep.
She was not allowed to use the toilet, nor eat and drink,
yet she was force-fed unidentified drugs that caused damage to her nervous system.
However, there is nowhere to file complaints.
The police committed the crimes, and they know the law.

Beijing Falun Gong practitioner Liu Guifu: “I found Song Lili (the police). She said,
『I ordered them to do so. I ordered them to hit you.’”

During the recent “300 Fingerprints" petitioning events,

Wang Xiaodong, a Hebei Botou teacher and Falun Gong
practitioner, was tortured by police with electric shock batons.
The torture lasted a whole day, and thousands
of yuan were taken away from him.
The authorities also forced the dismissal of the
lawyer whom Wang Xiaodong planned to hire.
They arranged their own lawyer for him.

Wang Xiaodong’s sister was arrested and
sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp.
Her crime? Exposing Wang Xiaodong
treatment to the international community.
